Out of the Unordinary

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You sat at your desk, staring blankly at the worksheet you had been working on. The essence of boredom was splayed all over it, with mini tornados sketched in pen, disproportionate stars, and sloppy swirls.

A hit to your head broke your trance, causing you to sit up straight and gasp in shock. You looked around in panic, only to be greeted by the snickers and giggles of your classmates. You felt your heart pound against your chest as you blushed, sinking into your seat in a measly attempt to hide yourself.

"Ah, classic [Y/N]," your professor scoffed, placing her hands on her hips as she condescendingly glared at you. "So, I'll ask you again. What is the sentence structure that fits this ancient text?"

"Uh..., well," you stammered, your eyes darting in several directions as you tried to recall everything you had studied. Your face lit up, remembering the tutor session you had with Alhaitham. A chuckle escaped your lips, thinking of your foolish idea of sentence structure that was not even close to being correct. You confidently grinned, straightening your posture and engaging in a staring contest with your professor: you were sure you knew the answer to this question. "'Subject, object, verb'!"

Your heart sank as you heard the entire class erupt into boisterous laughter. The thumping sound of desks and hands hitting thighs filled your ears. Your professor slapped her forehead, letting out a sigh of disappointment. She swiftly slapped your desk with her ruler, silencing the class. You felt embarrassed at your confidence that was there a moment ago. You never surprised yourself with how your mindset could change in seconds.

"[Y/N], that was the language we were studying last week," your professor shook her head. "We're going over ancient texts from Mondstadt this week. The correct answer would be 'subject, verb, object.'"

"Oh," you sank in your seat.

She turned around before flashing you a final side-eye. You gulped hard; sweat ran down your temples as you rubbed your neck anxiously.

"See me after class," she said before walking off to resume the lesson.

You furrowed your eyebrows, faintly blowing a raspberry at her before resuming your practice of doodling over your page instead of listening. You had more tricks up your sleeve; you wouldn't let something as small as this get under your skin.


"You're all dismissed! Please remember to get your essays done by next Monday!"

You jolted up from your short nap, saliva connecting your mouth to the palm of your hand. You gagged, shaking your hand off and wiping it on your uniform. You groggily looked around the room and hastily shoved your things into your bag.

Students chattered over the professor's warnings and instructions, resulting in a disappointed sigh from her. Some filed out swiftly, and others stayed behind to use the classroom as a hangout spot.

You swung your bag over your shoulders and yawned as you walked towards the exit. A hand on your shoulder sent chills down your spine, causing a sharp gasp to escape your throat. Then, a voice, "[Y/N], I hope you haven't forgotten about our plans."

"...My apologies, ma'am," you slumped, turning around to face her.

She motioned for you to sit in her seat as she shooed the remaining students in the classroom away. They groaned, rolling their eyes as they sassily walked out. Truthfully, you pitied your teacher, as no one seemed to take her seriously.

"I presume that you might have a clue as to why I pulled you back," she began, pulling up a chair and sitting across from you. "No, you do know. I know you're intelligent, dear."

Out of Order [Alhaitham x Reader]Where stories live. Discover now