Chapter 1: Starting at the End

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Where were you when the world said goodbye?

Liam was in Manhattan, thousands of miles away from home and his pack, and to make matters worse he was stuck with Theo Raeken. As if the end of the world didn't suck enough already with hordes of the dead rising and infecting the populace of the world, he had to be stuck with the one person that could get under his skin like no one else. Had Liam still been in Beacon Hills he would have assumed that a necromancer with a grudge was fucking around, but no, he was stuck in fucking Manhattan. Liam has never hated Scott as much as he hates him right now.

"Go to Manhattan, he said," Liam grumbles, slouching in his chair, arms crossed like a petulant little kid. "Assert yourself as a budding alpha, he said. Make your own allies, he said."

"Will you shut the fuck up," Theo seethes from beside him, eyes flashing in annoyance.

Liam narrows his own eyes in a challenge, "Take Theo with you, he said."

Theo gives him a warning growl, hands curling into fists. Liam grins, daring the chimera to punch him. Wants him to, needs him to. Needs to release the fear that's eating away at him, turning itself into anger in his bloodstream and infecting his mind, making him snappy and brash. Theo leans towards him, eyes glittering gold. Liam lets his own eyes glow; shows the need for the fight.

"If you could please refrain from murdering one another whilst in my territory, that would be lovely." Alpha Quiana interrupts, stepping into the room. "Scott McCall is a friend of mine and I'd rather not have him blame me for the deaths of his pack members."

"I'm not part of his p—" Theo starts, but Liam cuts him off with a sharp elbow to the ribs, knocking all the air from Theo's lungs. Theo gasps beside him, head bowing over the table they're seated at, trying to catch his breath.

"We apologize," Liam says through his teeth as politely as he can muster. The itch for a fight still thrumming under his skin. God, he needs to get out of here and hit something, preferably Theo. Repeatedly.

Alpha Quiana smiles at him, dark eyes glimmering with amusement, "You are both welcome to remain here with me and my pack until whatever this is blows over."

"That's kind of you to offer and we both thank you for lettings us stay here for as long as we have," Liam says truthfully. "But, I've seen enough zombie movies to know that this isn't going to end anytime soon, and I'd like to get back to my pack."

She stares him down for a long moment, eyes darting over his face and down to his chest where his heart is steadily thumping in his chest, the beat a tick faster in his nervousness under her intimidating gaze. Finally, after what seems like eons, but can only realistically be seconds she inclines her head. "As any good alpha would choose to do, Mr. Dunbar."

Relief and elation surge through Liam; he feels as though he's finally—and satisfactorily—passed her test.

She turns her attention to Theo. "And you Mr. Raeken, will you be leaving as well?"

Theo's eyes shift from Alpha Quiana to Liam and then back again. "Yes, Ma'am."

"Very well," She murmurs turning back to Liam. She holds out her hand to him, claws catching the light, glittering dangerously. "I look forward to being future allies with you Mr. Dunbar, should we all survive this pandemic."

Liam takes it confidently, gives two firm, decisive shakes. "I look forward to being allies with you as well, Alpha Quiana."

The Alpha smiles warmly; places her other hand over their clasped ones. "I wish you the best on your journey back home, Mr. Dunbar." She turns to Theo, "Mr. Raeken."

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