The Long Way Home

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This is Theo's spin-off chapter from Vacancy Signs. It follows the events of Chapters 5 and 6.

Theo's been too literal Hell and back, he's seen things and done things that have terrified him, but nothing has ever scared him more than the sight of an O's gaping mouth just inches away from the back of Liam's neck, it's yellow rotting teeth snapping at the skin, ready to rip into it hungrily. Theo's blood runs cold in his veins, fear clouding his mind as he pushes himself forward with the sole intent to save Liam's life, a growl rumbling from deep within his chest.

His arm slides between Liam and the O, the O's teeth tearing into his flesh easily as he tumbles to the ground. They roll together in the dirt, dust clouding the air, choking him as he tries to suck back in the breath that was knocked from him upon impact. He staggers up to his feet, spots dancing before his eyes as he struggles to breathe. He bares his fangs angrily as the O crawls towards him, pushing itself up onto its wobbling legs. Theo narrows his eyes and plunges his already bloody hand through the back of the dead woman's head, it falls still as his fingers ruin the cerebral cortex.

The O's lifeless body crumbles to the ground the second he pulls his claws free, there's a low thud and more dust that drifts up through the air. His breathing is ragged, adrenaline and terror still coursing through him as he stares down at the dead woman, her battered high heels a stark shade of yellow against the mottled color of her flesh and the brilliant red of blood seeping into the dirt. He can hear the distant squelch of Liam pulling his own hand from an O's head, can hear as Liam struggles back up to his feet, his heartbeat slowing down to a steady, reassuring pace rather than the rapid tick of a near-death experience.

Slowly, Theo's terror abates, his eyes pulling them self away from the O to stare across the tiny clearing at Liam. Blood and tiny bits of skin drip from his claws onto the ground, adding to the mess of the earth. It reminds him of unpleasant things, memories he would rather forget as Liam stares at him worriedly, fear clear in the brilliant blue of Liam's eyes.

"Are you okay," Liam asks his voice a quiet shush on the wind.

"I'm fine," Theo says at once, his voice coming off clipped as the bite on his arm begins to sting, an itch traveling through his veins like ants have found a way into his bloodstream. His body stiffens against the pain as he stands there in that tiny clearing covered in blood, the reality of the situation settling in. He was bitten, and everyone knows what happens when you're bitten. He stares quietly at Liam, his jaw clenching, holding in words that don't need to be said out loud. For the first time in a long time, Theo doesn't know what to do.

Liam's eyes narrow at him, his arms twitching at his sides like he wants to cross them over his chest.

"Yeah," Liam shakes his head, his hair tossing from side to side. It's so long now, the strands dark with blood and dirt. Theo idly thinks he should cut it, it would be so easy for an O's hand to tangle in the blond locks and drag Liam down to the ground, it would be so easy for someone to use Liam's hair against him.

Liam pins him with a look, his gaze hard. "I'm calling bullshit."

Theo should have known that Liam wouldn't just let it go without saying something, Liam's not that type of person. Usually, Theo would find it impressive, but right now it's troublesome. Theo doesn't have any words for Liam, he doesn't even have any words for himself.

"What's wrong," Liam asks looking determined, his fingers curling at his sides like he plans to fight off whatever's worrying Theo. "I mean, I know it was a pretty close call, but we're both fine."

They're not fine, but Liam is and that's all that really matters now, Theo thinks. Liam who had almost just had the back of his neck ripped out by a fucking zombie; Liam who had almost just died is alive and okay.

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