Meeting Ash

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Breeze Kukui was walking beside her father Professor Kukui around the pokemon school with her litwick sitting on her shoulder.

Breeze Kukui was walking beside her father Professor Kukui around the pokemon school with her litwick sitting on her shoulder

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They went upstairs to her dad classroom she wasn't there eariler beacause she was busy with something.

Then she and her dad noticed Mallow with a boy that Mallow thought was a new student turn out to be on vaccation in Aloha.

Kukui: Hi a big Aloha to you all.

Mellow: Professor Kukui.

Ash: Professor?

Mellow: Yeah hes are teacher and the purple hair girl with the Litwick is his daughter Breeze.
Professor, Breeze, I'll like you to meet Ash.

Kukui: Princale Oak just filled me in.
Hi Ash Pickachu.
The pokemon school is a wonderfull place.
I hope you enjoy your vistst here.

Ash: Thank you.

Pikachu: Pika!

Breeze then walked over to Ash and Pikachu.

Breeze: Is that your Pikachu?

Ash: Yep.

Breeze: He so cute!

Pikachu is happy and leaned against Breeze hand which pet him amd loves it.

Ash never seen Pikachu this happy so much but then they heared something going on outside.

They then saw a gang in way of a trainer and their pokemon.

Ash: Who are they?

Skull grunt: Stopping our bike the way you did, is not the smartest of moves.

Skull grunt 2: Yeah just like my bro said.

Skull grunt: Team skull doesn't like anyone getting in our way.

Skull grunt three: You got that right!

Kiawe: I don't remember blocking the road.
The only people I see getting in the way are you.

Skull grunt: Wellll! Listen to the big talker.

Skull grunt 2: I dare you to say that again.

They came down to see whats happing.

Ash: Who are those Guys!

Mellow: They are apart of team skull.
Always bullying us into a pokemon battle, not nice.

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