Team Rocket?

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Breeze was sleeping soundly in her bed with her pokemon either sleeping beside her or at the end of her bed.

Breeze then wokes up along with her pokemon.

Breeze then Brush her teeth and gotten dresed into her day clothes.

She soon made herself some breakfest and made some break as well for the pokemon.

Breeze then saw her dad gave Ash some kind of tablet like device to Ash.

Kukui: Now lets Activate the pokedex.

Soon everyone was down stairs in her dad basement which is a pokemon lab.

Even the pokemon are with them all curious adout whats gonna happing.

Kukui is typing on the computer and soon it was done.

Kukui: Perfect we all connected!

Then something is causing the lights to go on and off with some eletrice sparks even the computer is acting like that.

This comfuses Breeze and Ash.

Kukui: Here it comes!

Ash: What?

Breeze: That would i like to know.

But Breeze dad doesn't say anything.

Rockruff get sacred by whats happing and jumps into Breeze arms to feel safe.

Then Breeze pokemon all do that and huddle closer to their  trainer.

Ash: Whats going on?

Kukui: Just watch and You'll see.

Then a Rotom comes zipping out of a empty socket which Scares Ash and Pikachu causing them to fall to the ground.

Breeze then moved out of Rotom way of moving so fast.

Ash: Its A Rotom!

Breeze thoughts: So that what it was causing the lights to act weird.

Everyone watch as Rotom runs around.

Kukui: Now we have to wait for rotom to go inside.

Ash: Go inside?
The pokedex?

Rotom then stops before then zipping inside the pokedex.

Breeze then put Rockruff down as rockruff is not scared anymore.

Ash: Is rotom in there?

Breeze: From what i'm pretty sure we all saw, it is.

Ash looked at the Pokedex wondering why its not turned on yet.

Ash: Hey Rotom.

Then the pokedex starting to turn on as when Ash ask, as it seem to worked.

Ash: Whats that?

Then the eyes appeared which scared Ash and made him let go.

But the dex floted in the air and its arm unfold its legs and arms out.

Ash: The pokedex is Rotom and Rotom is the pokedex.

Breeze: Well at least it makes sense now, I guess.

Rotom was doing some scanning around untill it saw Ash and Breeze.

Ash: Alola Rotom.

Pikachu: Pika pika.

Breeze: Nice to meet you.

Rotom: Langues selected complete.

Ash: Wow!
Rotom just talked.

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