The child

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Topu Koko was with some of the other three island guardian pokemon as they look at the baby human girl warrped in a blanket.

Thye have found her in the shrine where they battled the Ultra beast long ago.

They don't know how she got there but they can tell that there is something special adout her and the fact that they loved her.

Cuddling and playing with the baby but they can't raise her, she'll need a human to look after her.

They have to protect the region and the island within the region its there job.

Also the trials, so they might not be able to look after 24/ 7 but they can help out.

So Tapu Koko went to find a good parent for this child, so it search.

Soon Tapu Koko found Prossfor Kukui and saw how good of a father this man could be to this child.

Kukui was hanging out with his friends when they heard a roster like sound and looked up seeing Tapu Koko and everyone was shocked to see him.

Kukui: Topu Koko?!

Tapu koko was looking at Kukui and then before then taking Kukui hate and flew off with Kukui running off to get his hat back.

But Kukui noticed how its stop every once in awhile before contuining flying.

This made Kukui curious because it means that Tapu Koko might be leading him to something.

Soon Tapu Koko stops inside the woods/ forrest of the island putting the hat down before then taking the baby from the other guardians who then soon went and hid behind some trees to watch.

Kukui saw his hat and picked it up before then putting it back on his head.

Kukui then see The pokemon back before then Tapu Koko turn to look at Kukui and the professor was shocked to see a baby warped in blankets in the pokemon arms.

Tapu Koko then approach Kukui and held the baby out to the professor who then took the baby.

When the baby opened her eyes he was smittened.

The baby adorable eyes and cute chubby cheeks made him cooing at the baby.

He then looked back up and saw the other island guardians comming out.

He was shocked he never seen the island gaurdain all together in one place before.

The baby in his arm reach out to the four pokemon and each of then let her touch their hand.

Kukui realised that this child must be specail if all four of the gaurdains like her that much.

Soon Tapu Koko pointed at the baby before then to Kukui who then figured out that they wanted him to raise this child.

Kukai agreed since he already was smitten and it was the wish of the protecters of the Aloha region so who is he to Deni them.

The gaurdains then left and Kukui showed his friends his new daughter and told them what happened then naming his new child Breeze, Breeze Kakui.

I hope you enjoyed this chapter.

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