𝐂𝐡𝐚𝐩𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝟐

964 46 18

2 years ago;

Lee Felix never knew accomplishing his dreams would be so hard. he of course reckoned nothing in life comes easy as his parents have never missed a beat to remind him that yet still, he never felt so at bay as he did right now, standing in front of the Park Jinyoung, owner and founder of JYP High, the weaver of countless careers and the man who Felix was sure could make his dreams come true. Nervousness ran through his veins like poison as he inhaled a deep breath and exhaled, finding himself in a stance where he couldn't feel the beat of his own heart. 

This was the part where his entire future gets decided, this is the only chance he has of becoming a dancer, a true one, one that performs on massive stages, in front of crowds that roar and with music that blasts. The promise he's made with his parents still ringing in the back of his mind like it was freshly whispered in his ears as he shuts his eyes tight and blurs out the vision of himself and his dreams crumbling

"If you don't make it through the audition of the school this nonsense will no longer continue? Is that a deal?"

His father questions, raising his brows and pushing Felix further into the abyss of his nightmares. he knew if he didn't make it through the extremely difficult auditions for JYP High then his parents will never let him dance again and persuade his choice of career, they were already so sick and tired of his little passion as all they really wanted was a doctor for a son but Felix failed to be the marionette they wished for and alas, they had to put up with him and his aspirations. inhaling a deep breath Felix shook his head yes, eyes meeting with his parents and fear rising upward to his nape in the form of goosebumps, God how he hated being under this metal gaze of his parents

'Once I get through the audition, I won't have to go through this torture again' Felix thinks to himself, running a hand through his naturally brunette locks the boy lets this fear drop down his back in the shape of sweat.

"Lee Felix and Hwang Hyunjin"

Felix opens his eyes once his name had been announced and glances toward the man sitting in front of him, holding the mic and smiling. "two students and only a spot left" the man chuckles as though he was trying to lighten the situation but the sweat on Felix's palms never dissipates. it'd be demolishing for him and his sanity if after all this hard work, after two months of training here and competing to stay for every lineup, he just ends up losing and going back home, leaving his dreams and sole reason for happiness behind

No, he can't let that happen. he won't lose to this guy and he will make it through this and win. the freckled boy raises his head to glare sharply at the boy standing next to him, 'Hwang Hyunjin?' the brunette thinks to himself, cocking a brow and checking him up and down before he smiled satisfactorily and turned back to Jinyoung 'He's no match for me' Felix relaxed his tense shoulders and waited for the decision of Jinyoung "Why don't we get a fair competition? just you two?" Jinyoung speaks into the mic once again, nodding to the two boys and smiling afterward

Felix licks his lips, striving to get rid of this nervousness as he nods and notices that the other boy has too. he has the urge to roll his eyes but bites it down because that'd be immature. "let's have you two dance the choreography you first learned when you came here but individually" Jinyoung sets his mic down and points to the two boys with both of his hands making their heartbeats race. the lights dim and the limelight is only on the two teenagers. Felix sighs deeply, feelings his knees weaken but he knows he can't afford to be scared right now so he turned toward Hyunjin, their eyes met and immediately there are sparks on Felix's skin

this is his competition

and he sure as hell does not like him

The brunette boy smiles and steps back to allow Hyunjin to go first, it seems as if he's being polite but really, the smile was only further of a devilish smirk taunting Hyunjin and screaming 'You can't compete against me' and Hyunjin was no child, he understood just what Felix meant by these gestures and it made his blood boil. Hwang Hyunjin was a prodigy and everyone on these training grounds knew that. nobody dared stand against him on monthly lineups and everyone knew he'd make it out, his parents, he himself, and everyone else was sure he'll be JYP's next shining diamond, but what he didn't know was that there was another weapon being loaded in the other training campus

𝐟𝐮𝐜𝐤 𝐦𝐞 𝐥𝐢𝐤𝐞 𝐚 𝐫𝐨𝐜𝐤𝐬𝐭𝐚𝐫 • hyunlixWhere stories live. Discover now