𝐂𝐡𝐚𝐩𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝟔

807 44 21

A groan echoes in the quiet of the dance room as Felix exerts his body further, swinging his limbs and glaring down at himself in the mirror, trying to perfect his moves as all the sound present in the white room is the squeaking of his shoes on the white glossy floor and his heavy pants and a few groans of muscle ache here and there. When Jungkook dropped him back to his dorms last night, Felix had immediately passed out, he had no energy to stay up and practice like he had intended to and now here he was 

In the godly hour of the night wasting away his health and youth because he's pissed at himself for drinking and going to that party in the first place. He has been here for hours and he hadn't taken a single break in between, too angry and determined to even think of anything else. His sharp eyes are fixated on himself through the mirror and he doesn't notice the door quietly creaking open, doesn't hear the sound that would normally startle him or catch his attention

Hyunjin walks inside, smirking immediately when he catches the sight of Felix but the blond doesn't see him at all, too immersed in his dancing. The black-haired walks into the axis of the room, removes his bag from his shoulder, and takes out his mobile phone from his pocket. By now, Felix should've seen him through the mirror, he's right there standing behind him but Felix's eyes never drift away from that one move of his shoulder because he's trying his best to perfect it and when he's dancing, most of the world wanes and all that is left is him and his passion 

Hyunjin plugs his mobile phone into the empty speakers and plays a song he needs to practice on and that is what catches Felix's attention at last, the slow and sensual melody that begins playing and seeping into his senses as he stops dancing finally and turns to look at Hyunjin who has his hair tied up and has begun dancing. Felix is panting, sweat dripping from the sides of his face as he grits his teeth at the boy who deliberately doesn't spare him a glance while Felix stands still and watches Hyunjin

arms crossed over his chest and eyes storming with vexation. Hyunjin can feel them on him, can feel Felix's eyes track his every move and can feel the way he's seething but he doesn't mind, that's what brings him glee anyway. Felix sighs and decides it's time for a break as he walks over to his bag in the corner and takes out his water bottle, making sure it was truly his this time before he drank from it. He could've fought, would've. But he didn't have the energy to put up with Hyunjin and his bullshit right now

all he wanted to do was perfect this dance and then head home so he can finish the rest of his homework and then finally sleep. Once he's done drinking his water he turns to look at Hyunjin who has his eyes fixated on him through the mirror and that gaze is unfamiliar, it's not the standard 'fuck you, I'm better than you' gaze, it's different, there's something heavy and intense behind it and before Felix can ponder it further his mind is overtaken by a vision of Hyunjin last night 

his black-clad body and his glinting silver chains, his fiery eyes similar to a hawk's and—Felix snaps into reality, his tired eyes turning into a predatory vulture as he glares down Hyunjin through the mirror, he had been drunk last night but he wasn't right now and as he is reminded of Hyunjin's sights, he realizes it was truly the alcohol because Hyunjin hadn't looked good, he looked like a steaming pile of hellhound shit and that's it. or so Felix liked to claim. 

The blond gets up from the corner of the room, his heart accelerating with a pristine found anger as he turns off Hyunjin's song but the raven-haired saw it coming a long while ago as he turns to glare at Felix who doesn't bother looking back at him and starts to dance without any music yet again. Hyunjin stays still for a second, watches Felix get into position and start his dance like no one was watching him, like Hyunjin didn't even exist and for a split second, Hyunjin found his heart drifting to the idea of admiring Felix

𝐟𝐮𝐜𝐤 𝐦𝐞 𝐥𝐢𝐤𝐞 𝐚 𝐫𝐨𝐜𝐤𝐬𝐭𝐚𝐫 • hyunlixWhere stories live. Discover now