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Here I am, presenting to you my fifth anthology! It's a collection of twelve poems, all about the tangled thoughts in my head and the emotions swirling in my heart every time I lay on my bed, staring at the ceiling. You know how it is - things can get really messy to think about at night, and it gets even worse when all those thoughts decide to run wild in your mind simultaneously. It's like you're constantly trying to respond, but exhaustion sets in, and you're just tired.

Dealing with stuff is part of the game during the day, and sadly, it doesn't stop when you're supposed to rest at night. Your body craves sleep, but those pesky thoughts won't let you be until you find yourself spending the whole night pondering everything. It's overwhelming, and honestly, you don't even know where to begin. Eventually, tears start flowing silently, and you cry, careful not to disturb the peacefulness of the night. It's like you're carrying a heavy weight on your chest, but you have no one to talk to or vent it all out to.

Then, finally, you manage to drift off to sleep.

I've had countless nights where I've had to feel everything before I could find some peace in slumber. It's a recurring experience for me. Luckily, I've got my phone always at hand to jot down everything, just like writing in a diary. Putting those thoughts into words somehow eases that burden on my heart.

So, this anthology is like a compilation of diary entries, but in the most poetic way possible. I'm glad I can share these emotions with you, even if they capture the unhappy moments in my life - that feeling every night.

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