1. Abigail Fisher

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Abby pov:

In my 16 years on this earth I never cried like I cried when my mom Susannah died, I remember even now how much me and my brother Jeremiah were struggling with the bills and moms treatment while our older brother Conrad was at college and with the girl he and Jeremiah loved.
I never thought I will go to therapist because of mom's death but Laurel told me she thinks that is way batter for me to go to therapy it can help me
I struggled a lot in the last year, with school, moms treatment, the bills, my brother suffering.
But at least me and Jeremiah had each other.
Last summer it was amazing till Belly, my best friend and Laurel daughter ruined
I love belly but she played with my brothers hearts, she wanted Conrad them she wanted Cam Cameron then she wanted Jeremiah then she wanted Conrad again.
When Belly told Jeremiah at the end of the summer she and Conrad kiss it ruined everything for Jeremiah who was and is in love with her
Jeremiah even know feel like crap for abandoning Belly at the debutante ball but we all know he did cause he finded out about mom cancer.
But of course Conrad was there to save the night
It wasn't supposed to be Conrad, she get to the debutant ball with Jeremiah and I did go with a guy since me and Stevan didn't talked about what happened 2 summer ago when we ended our relationship
And Stevan got to the debutant ball with Shayla a nice girl who ended up breaking his heart
I love my brother Conrad but sometimes he cares only about himself
And I don't talk about belly I talk about letting me and Jeremiah struggling with the house and the bills and with mom treatment, and yes Laurel helped us a lot but it was only me and Jere the team.
1 month ago mom died, the funeral was so stressful and hard for all of us.
But belly and Conrad fighted and I don't hate belly, Laurel says belly maked mom funeral about her and she's mad at her but I think it was batter, I needed to take my mind of my mom and Jeremiah too so when Conrad and belly fighted for a moment we forgot it was our mom funeral. I will never defend Conrad actions but he was not in his best mood in the last few months.
He got with belly at her prom and he forgot her corsage and I know Jeremiah was so mad when he find out since he will never forgot it. And then Conrad broke up with her at her prom and let her cry, Taylor told me all about it since I wasn't there even if I wish I was, I wish Stevan was inviting me not that girl.
And now I'm getting ready to go to therapist
I never thought I will go there and just tell everything but maybe is for the best like Laurel says.

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