4. The client

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Eliza pov:

I'm here back in the cousins house with everyone
Belly,Conrad,Stevan,Taylor but especially my best friend Abby and the guy I love more than anything Jeremiah
When Abby opened the door for me she hugged me and started crying
I know she needed this, I needed this too
Now all of us are staying and think what do to
I'm sitting right between Abby and Belly
I feel like Jeremiah is only looking at belly
Even though he should look at everyone not only at her , I admit this hurt me a lot but I'm not here for this

Jere: so what are we gonna do?
Belly: since ur charm didn't worked on Julia

Belly said while laughing
I was raging with jealousy but I know he loves her not me but Abby noticed me getting jealousy and she just took my hand and hold it

Conrad: I need to get to my trust fund but dad don't let me
Liz: I think we should find a way to make Julia see how much this place means to us
Abby: but how Liz how
Liz: idk

I say that and then the door opens and a woman and a girl? Walks in

Conrad: aunt Julia?
Julia: what are y'all doing here? I'm not giving up the sale
Jere: oh come on aunt Julie this house means a lot to us to mom
Liz: Susannah loved this house and we do too please give us a change to save it
Julia: and you are?
Abby: she's my friend and mom loved her
Julia: today a buyer is gonna come so y'all batter don't ruined it

Julia said while she go at the pool
Everyone go in a room and I stayed down in the chicken but someone knocked at the door and I go to open

The lady: oh hello dear I'm here to see the house
Liz: oh we're so sorry but the today visit has got cancelled
The lady: and who are you exactly?
Jere: she's my girlfriend

Jere said while she shows up in the door
I blushed of course I blushed
While Jere was trying to say that the today visit was canceled since Julia don't feel good but when the lady almost leave Julia appeared

Julia: don't listen to them they don't know what they say the visit is still open come on in

Jere was looking and me and he noticed I blush

Jere: so this is for nothing
Liz: yeah so what are we gonna do?
Jere: im not sure Liz im not sure

And then we just go upstairs where the girl who was with Julia was talking with belly

Belly: oh Eliza, they're sky
Liz: oh hello there sky is a pleasure to meet you
Sky: hey
Jere: I'm gonna have some sleep
Liz: oh I think I should go home
Abby: stupid ur staying ur sleeping here with me

Abby says while she dragged me into her room and closed the door

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