3. all in the same place again

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Abby pov:

I'm in the car with Stevan and Taylor
How do I tell my ex bf that me and Taylor kissed last summer and we never opened the subject again. I feel like I should talk with Tay about it but I'm not sure if I should open the subject
I told belly in September about my kiss with Taylor and belly called me in December telling me that Taylor told her that she has feeling for me.
I'm afraid if I open the subject she will want something more and I'm not sure if I'm ready for something with someone else when Stevan is single and I can make my way back to him somehow
But she's with Milo maybe she loves him but I don't know.
I called Liz last night and told her to come I can't deal with Taylor or Stevan right now
Liz is like my best friend since we met 9 years ago
I know she likes my brother Jeremiah but belly got to Jeremiah first
I was always a Liz and Jere shipper and Liz was mine and Stevan shipper she always tried to bring us on dates and thing and I always tried to tell Jere how amazing and good Liz was and is
Last time I saw Liz was at mom funeral
She cried, mom and Laurel were The only parents who let they're kids playing with her and thanks god they did I couldn't be who I am today if I wasn't having Liz as my best friend.

Tay: earth to Abby
Abby: wait what?
Tay: what are u thinking about love ?
Abby: nothing special
Stevan: we'll we're here

We don't say anything more and just get out of the car and go into the house
At the first see the house is the same as last year
We're going into the living room and we see there Conrad,Jeremiah and Belly

Belly: what are you guys doing here?
Abby: is my mom house? And Jere called me last night telling me about it, Liz will be here in any minute I hope
Jere: Liz?
Abby: yes I called her to come
Belly: oh
Tay: this is gonna be awkward
Abby: I think she is here

I told them when I hear the door ringing
I go to open the door and there she was
My best friends for 9 years
I saw her standing there and I just started cry and hugged her so bad while she hugged me back calm rubbing my back

Liz: I'm here love I'm here now
Abby: I know your here I needed this hug more then you know
Belly: Eliza hey

Belly said while me and Liz walked in the living room

Jere: Liz
Liz: Jere

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