5. The dare

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Abby pov:

I dragged Liz into my room and then we started sharing stories and things the moment she told me what Jere said when the woman who wanted to see the house was down I started screaming like for real and then Jeremiah and Conrad opened the door fast looking worried
They asked what's wrong and I'm gonna make Jere jealous somehow

Abby: the guy Liz like just texted her
Conrad: oh that's good?
Jere: Aham

Liz looks at me confused but as soon as the boys left I told her that I wanted to see Jeremiah reaction to this so I lied.
Then I texted the group chat we're and told them to meet at the pool since I wanna play truth or dare with them. thankfully they agreed and in 20 minutes we met at the pool, Jeremiah told Skye to came too and that was good since she's our cousin .
The first who sayed a dare is Connie he dared Stevan to tell his biggest regret

Stevan: uhm that I never stop Abby to break up with me

I looked at him and he looked at me but we didn't say anything

Abby: My turn my turn my turn, Jeremiah truth or dare
Jere: I never back off so dare
Abby: I dare you to kiss Liz

Liz looked at me so does Belly
Jeremiah just didn't say anything and walks off

Abby: Liz go after him

I say while I see no one was saying anything she left after him
While we stayed here and continued playing

Belly: my turn, Abby truth or dare?
Abby: dare
Belly: I dare you to make out with Taylor
Abby: oh what?
Belly: but in your room for 1 hour
Abby: I never backed of a dare so okay I'm agree

I say while getting up and taking Taylor hand while Stevan was looking at us
We got in my room and for the first 10 minutes neither of us says anything till she got closer to me and kissed me

Tay: a dare is a dare Abby

She said looking at me, I kissed her back and we get on my bed kissing. We only kissed but after 50 minutes Belly knows on the door

Belly: the time is over

She says while opened the door
Taylor left the room and I just stood there stupid
I can't believe I did kissed her back like
This wasn't supposed to happen
I like tay tay but I love Stevan and i don't know what to do

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