14. Ghost*

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"no, no, no, no ,NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!"

"I - I'm sorry, Kacchan. It hurts me as much as it does to you..."

"NO! You'll NEVER understand MY pain Deku!!!! 


"But Kacchan -"

"I SAID LEAVE!!!! GO!!! ALL OF YOU!!!!!! NOW!!!!!!!!!!!!"

"I-I-I-... let you down... Again... I'm SO sorry... I LOVED YOU!!! And yet, I couldn't EVEN save you!!!! Forgive me... PLEASE!!! It's ALL I ask..."

Katsuki said as he sobbed quietly, each minute the tears falling more violently than the last. 

"Class 1A from UA high, here we stand in honor of Ochako Uraraka, one of my greatest alumnus, Bestest of friends, Sweet, Loving, Kind, Huge Hearted young woman who, to our greatest horror, passed last week."

"Rest assured that your efforts were not taken in vain, Ochako..."

"Uraraka... I'm sorry I broke your heart. And I'm sorry I let all these horrible things happen to you. I really mean it..." 

"Goodbye, Ochako..."

"Hey Round Face... It's me... Bakugou... I just wanted to let you know that... you.. YOU made me a better person... it was YOU who changed me... it was you who I loved and will NEVER stop loving... if anything, I should be the one going down, not YOU... I'm sorry... I love... you..."

That night, Bakugou felt ripped apart, like his heart was gone...

Nothing was worth it anymore...

Not since she left...

I can't keep her waiting for me...

Tonight... We'll finally reunite. He thought

Bakugou left his room...

Not bothering to leave a note on why the others would never see him again...

At least not until they found him in the morning...

"Ugh... I can't go yet. I need to thank them..."

'To the idiots.

Thank you.

To Hair for Brains, Bros always forever...

To Raccoon Eyes, keep dancing your heart out...

To Dunce Face, you're not that stupid...

To Earphones, music is your true passion...

To Tape Face, those Spiderman cosplays are decent...

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