Chapter Seven- A Stroke of Luck

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For the next few weeks, Utterson was kept busy catching up on work. In a desperation for some time to himself, he headed out at ten pm, walking without a particular destination in mind.

Almost two hours later, he had no choice but to accept that he was lost, and ducked into a pub to quench his thirst.
The pub was rowdy and warm, light dancing along the cracked surfaces of the deep brown seats and tables. Drunk patrons hunched over chipped glasses, and shadowy figures murmured to eachother in velvet booths. Several drinks in, utterson felt decidedly cheerier and headed for the exit, nodding to the scowling barkeeper as he went.

The fresh night air hit him full force, but the warmth of his drunkenness ment he pressed on through the abandoned streets. After twenty minutes of stumbling around in what he hoped was the right direction, he was starting to sober up and with a jolt of panic realised he was in a much rougher part of town than before.

Shadows around him began to materialise into hooded figures skulking close to the empty shop fronts and abandoned buildings. A feeling of being watched caused Utterson to shiver and speed up, so at the end of the street he was nearly running.
A deep voice stopped him in his tracks.
"Hey mister, are ya lost?"
Utterson started walking again, his eyes fixed on the pavement.
"The cut o' yer fancy coat says you ain't from these parts so I'll give ya a tip."
Utterson raised his eyes to see a grizzled man standing in front of him. His eyes were cold and hard and his hand fixed on something in his pocket.
" 'Round here if I talk to you,"
The man took a step closer.
"You respond."
Utterson stumbled backwards.

"Y'know I reckon I fancy a drink."
His heart raced at a million miles per hour.
"Cept I forgot my wallet at home. What do you think I should do 'bout that mister?"
"I-i well, now, I'm just-"
"Yeh got a missus? I got myself one, she's a fine gal. Reckon I'll buy her a lil somthin, cept o'course I don't got the cash!"
The stranger gave a harsh chuckle.
"She's carryin me firs-born. Been prayin' every night fer a son. I'll be needin' a bit o'dosh fer the li'l one too. Gee that's sure a lot huh mister. So why don' yeh help a feller out and hand over yer money."
Utterson gulped as he saw a flash of metal. The stranger had removed a pocket knife and was inspecting it with a sort of mild curiosity. Utterson saw what he hoped was rust but thought might be blood.
"It's a fine cause really. I've been real polite, mister. I'll be needin' yer money now, and we can all be on our merry way."
The man took one step closer but suddenly stumbled to the side as a cane hit his head from behind with an almighty crack. He toppled to the side to reveal Edward Hyde, wielding a cane with rabid ferocity. Frizzy hair had slipped from his plait and framed his face. He was two heads shorter than the man that now lay dazed on the floor, one hand to his bleeding temple. Hyde's eyes were wide, the whites shining in the yellowish light of the street lamps. His chest heaved and his teeth were bared in a manic grimace.

"Oh hello Gabriel."
Utterson started to speak but was cut off. "No time for that I'm afraid, seems this gentleman has friends." Hyde smiled brightly and ground the heel of his boot into the man's head as more shadowed figures advanced from the shadows.
"Take his knife, I think we can fight them off."

Utterson finally found his voice, although it was unpleasantly squeaky as opposed to his usual mellow tone.
"Absolutely not don't be absurd, we have to get away!"
Hyde gave a disappointed sigh but obligingly took Utterson's outstreched hand and followed behind as they ran. After a moment it was clear Utterson had no idea where to go, so Hyde took the lead, his limp pronounced as their pursuers started to close the distance between them.
"Surely you understand that we can't outrun them?" Hyde asked with a hint of a grin.
"Then we'll hide."
"There's a reason I'm called Mr Hyde." Edward grinned as he ducked in an alley, and chose the third door along.

"Is this your house?"
"No, no. This establishment was abandoned long ago."
"Well do you have the key?" Utterson whispered furiously as the sound of shouting and running came closer.
"Yes." Hyde immediately started smashing the lock in with his cane.
Utterson winced. Seconds later the door swung open and Hyde dragged him inside.
"We don't have any time to block the door. They might look in the alley, we need a hiding place. Here."
Hyde dragged the other man into a cramped closet in the hallway.

Standing in the stuffy dark inches away from the man who Utterson, try as he might, could not get out of his head, he had an immense gratitude that he had chosen to go for a walk that night. The sounds of shouting came closer, into the alleyway, and he held his breath as the door of the abandoned house creaked open and, after what felt like an eternity, shut again with the sound of splintering wood. The two men heaved sighs of relief and Utterson gave a nervous chuckle. He noticed that Hyde stood somewhat closer than was really necessary; their heaving chests almost touched. Utterson jumped as Hyde's hand brushed his hip.
"My apologies Gabriel, it's so dark I can't see what's what."

But he did not move his hand.

"Thank you, for saving me." Utterson whispered, brushing unruly hair out of Hyde's eyes.
"You saved me too. I wouldn't have run if it weren't for you." Their faces were so close, Utterson could feel the heat radiating from Hyde's flushed face.
Unable to stand it anymore, Utterson moved forward, pressing their lips together in a soft, passionate kiss. Hyde pulled Utterson closer by his hip, bringing up the other hand to cup his face. Utterson's heart marched faster and he snaked his arms around Hyde's waist. They melted into eachother as their kiss became deeper and more desperate, until Hyde pulled back with an irresistible grin.

"I think I should walk you home, Gabriel."

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