Chapter Nine: Tug of War

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At three in the morning, four sharp knocks sounded at Utterson's door, and since Utterson was wide awake, he went to open it, already half knowing who would be standing there.
"Hello Mr Hyde. How nice of you to visit."
Hyde gave that sharp smile that made Utterson's breath hitch.
"Mr Utterson. I was in the area and thought I'd say hello."
Utterson smiled widely and pulled him inside, enveloping him in a bear hug.
Hyde chuckled, and nuzzled his face into Utterson's neck.
"You should have visited earlier. I missed you."
"You were plenty busy with Jekyll." said Hyde in an uncharacteristically cold tone.
Utterson rolled his eyes. "I won't apologise for that. If you came to act like a petulant child then you can leave. If you have some stupid idea of making me choose, you'll be sorely disappointed."
"No of course not." Hyde said somewhat sheepishly.
"If you can't accept that, then that's alright, we can just be good friends. You deserve someone who loves you, but if you want that person to be me, you need to know I can't choose."
"I don't like sharing. But I do like you." He kissed Utterson gently. "I won't make you choose."
They smiled at eachother. Hyde yawned.
"Can I stay here tonight, Gabriel?"
"Of course! But why are you out so late?"
Hyde shrugged. "Enjoying London's nightlife." He walked further into the house, leading Utterson by the hand. He realised with a strange feeling that Hyde knew the layout of his house, no doubt from Jekyll's borrowed memories. He brushed the thought aside.
"When I got back to the small apartment Jekyll organised for me, the landlord refused to let me in. Horrid woman."
"Why didn't you just go to your- jekyll's house?"
Hyde frowned. "He doesn't want me there." A silence fell as they reached Utterson's room. Hyde removed his coat and leaned his cane against the wardrobe. He crept into Uttersons bed, exhausted. Utterson dithered nervously, unsure on whether or not to join him.
Hyde raised an eyebrow. "Well? come on."

Utterson slid under the blanket, smiling when Hyde cuddled up to him and lay his head on Utterson's chest. He could feel his heart beating twice as fast, but relaxed when Hyde made a contented sound and melted in to him. Utterson chuckled and wrapped an arm around him, the other hand playing with Hyde's hair. They lay in comfortable silence. Hyde's breathing had become heavy and his eyes were shut when Utterson spoke again.
"Edward? This can be your home, if you like. You wont have to run to some lonely apartment. Although i'll talk to jekyll about not being so ridiculous. My door is always open." He said softly.
"I'd like that." Murmured Hyde.
Utterson made sure Hyde really was asleep before he next spoke.

"I think I love you."

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 01, 2023 ⏰

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