Chapter 7: Something Dark

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The crisp October air nipped at Abby's cheeks as she stepped off the Greyhound bus, her boots landing on the concrete platform of Charles Street Terminal. The cold breeze had a way of making everything feel fresher, more alive. She adjusted the strap of her large duffle bag, which seemed to weigh her down more than ever. The bag contained all she had in life, and it was more valuable to her than her own life.

"New city, new song," she muttered to herself, as she switched the track on her phone to "Hungry Like the Wolf." The vibrant beat pulsed through her headphones, providing a fitting soundtrack to her arrival in Waterloo. She let out a sigh, feeling the rhythm sync with her heartbeat, before she started walking towards the dimly lit city bus stop.

Abby couldn't help but notice how empty the streets were. It wasn't just the lack of people; there was an eeriness in the air that seemed to stifle even the sound of her own footsteps. She quickened her pace, all too aware an animal was stalking the streets.

"Get a grip, Abby," she thought, chiding herself for letting her imagination run wild. "There's nothing here you can't handle."

As she reached the bus stop, Abby glanced up at the streetlight overhead, its flickering glow casting long shadows across the pavement. She could feel something watching her but dismissed the notion as mere paranoia. Pulling out her phone to check the bus schedule, she realized she had a 15-minute wait ahead of her. The thought of standing alone in the dark caused her gaze to attempt to peer through every shadow for a possible threat, but she tried to quell her racing mind by focusing on the music in her ears.

Unbeknownst to her, Gluttony lurked in those very shadows, his orange eye glowing malevolently as he watched Abby intently. They had been drawn to her, like a moth to a flame, such a powerful aura called out to it. Gluttony's gaze was fixed on her, and they studied her every move with an unnerving intensity.

"Stay calm," Abby told herself as she leaned against the bus stop pole, trying her best to appear nonchalant. "It's probably just a stray cat or something."

But deep down, she knew it wasn't that simple. The air felt charged with an energy she couldn't quite place, and her instincts told her that something wasn't right. She closed her eyes for a moment, hoping to find some respite from her unease in the darkness behind her eyelids.

"Focus on the music," she thought, letting the lyrics and melody fill her mind. "Keep your mind clear. They can't read you if your mind is clear."

Abby's heartbeat began to return to normal, a rhythm that mirrored the pulsing bass of the song still playing on her phone. She scanned the empty street for any signs of life, but it was as if the world had been drained of color and sound, save for the sinister presence she felt lurking nearby.

Her thoughts were interrupted by the sudden roar of an engine as a grey minivan raced past her, its tires screeching against the asphalt. The vehicle tore through the night like a silver bullet, leaving Abby's heart hammering even faster in its wake.

"Get a grip," she muttered under her breath, chiding herself for letting fear get the better of her. She knew that she was stronger than this – she had faced far worse things in her life and had always come out on top. But now, alone in the darkness, her senses were on edge and she knew she wasn't alone.

As she tried to regain her composure, she heard it: the unmistakable sound of claws dragging across the tin roof of the bus stop. Her breath caught in her throat, and she gripped the strap of her duffle bag tightly, knuckles turning white.

"Show yourself!" she demanded, her voice powerful and commanding. No response came, save for the soft echo of her own words bouncing off the silent buildings around her.

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