Chapter 21

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Time was with Kinn and his family at his mansion. He has called Kinn to call everyone and tell them to gather because it was an emergency, now he was here and has told everyone what has happened

"Everyone please help me I don't believe Tem at all I don't think he will let Tay go so easily, I am sure he will try to hurt Tay or the baby so please help me to bring them both back home safely" Time begged

"Don't worry Time we will find a way" Kinn said "Arm is there any information you could get on Tem"

"Khun Kinn from what I have gathered, we know that he is from Chiang Mai he came to Bangkok for his higher studies before that he was a student in St. Stephen international school, his parents are rich and he is an only child" Arm said

"Wait what school did you say?" Time asked

"St. Stephen international school?" Arm repeated

"Kinn that's the same school, me and Tay used to attend before we moved to Bangkok" Time said

"Really? Then do you remember him from there" Kinn asked

"No I don't" Time said

"Arm do you have photos of him from back then that you could saw Time" Kinn asked,

"Yes khun here is it" Arm said and show Time a photo of younger Tem, he looked so different in this photo. He looked nothing like how he looks now

"Time do you remember him?" Kinn asked

"I do now Kinn he was my classmate we used to study in the same study group. I remember he proposed me and said that he liked me but I rejected him. I wasn't interested in him and by that time I already liked Tay so I rejected his proposal" Time said

"Do we have any other information on him?" Kinn asked

"Well Khun, he has had some plastic surgery over the years and was recommended for a psychological therapy but he stopped going to therapy after a few days, and also he has been following Khun Tay and Khun Time for months now" Arm replied

"Months? Did you say months?" Porsche asked

"Yes months, he started following them after Khun Tay moved in with Khun Time" Arm replied

"So he was already following us and knew everything about Tay's pregnancy and knew us since middle school" Time concluded

"I think that we are dealing with an obsessed psychopath here" Kim said

"If that is true it's gonna be hard to bring Tay back without any harm" Kinn said

At the warehouse

Tay woke up feeling dizzy, he tried moving his hand but they were tied behind his back.

"Is anybody here? Help me" Tay shouted

"Looks like someone woke up" a voice said from the shadows

"Who are you? And why did you brought me here? Let me go" Tay asked, that person laughed and slowly stepped forward towards the light

"Tem?" Tay said surprised

"Yes, you remember me" Tem asked

"Yes I remember you. I saw you kissing Time in the bar months ago and also on those photos someone sent me" Tay said

"Ohh right, were the photos good I paid a lot of money for them" Tem said

"You sent me those photos? But why?" Tay asked confused

"So that stupid you will come out of your  house and my men can bring you here" Tem replied

"But what will you get from kidnapping me" Tay asked

"You ask so many question let me tell you a story it will answer all your questions" Tem said, he signalled his men to bring him a chair and sat down in front of Tay

"The story starts with a boy named Tem he was student of St. Stephen international school who had a crush on his classmate named Time" Tem said

"Time?" Tay whispered, Tem got up from his chair and slapped Tay hard on his face

"Stop interrupting when I tell a story ok I don't like it when people interrupt me" Tem said and patted Tay's cheek that he just slapped and sat down again

"Where was I? Ohh got it. So Tem had a crush on Time and wanted Time to notice him and to like him, he did everything he could but he couldn't get Time to notice him. But one day young master Tay joined the school and from the first day Time fell for him, he was so head over heels for him that no one else mattered to him. Seeing that his crush was liking someone else Tem decided to confess his feelings, so one day after school he stopped Time and confessed but got rejected" Tem said

"Can you believe it? I  got rejected I did everything for him to like me to love me but still got rejected. Because he was in love with you" Tem accused Tay

"You know I hated you since then, and when you transferred schools I was so happy but it didn't last long because Time decided to follow you. He went in search of you" Tem said and looked at Tay with anger in his eyes

"After that I was so heart broken, I thought that because I wasn't as good looking as you Time rejected me. I had to go through many plastic surgeries to look this good looking you know how painful it was. Some people even thought that I was mad and recommended me to go to a therapist but I quit it after a few days because the therapist told me that it was obsession not love but I know that what I feel for Time is love" Tem said, Tay could clearly see that the therapist was right

"After I quit going to therapy I moved to Bangkok, I appointed some of my men to follow Time, to look for an opportunity for me to strike and soon enough I got that opportunity. My men reported that Time was frequenting bars alone, so one day I followed him to a bar. I hit on him but he didn't care he was drunk but all he could say was your name" Tem said "you know what I did I brought him back to my condo, I was so happy to finally spend a night with him. But the next morning he said sorry and was guilty to have slept with me. But I couldn't let my hardwork go to waste so I acted as a victim to gain his sympathy and manipulated him with his guilt to stay with me."

"But even after that I couldn't gain his full attention and I knew you had to go, remember you saw me and Time kissing in the bar, it was also my doing. And you left without listening to his explanation but you also left with his heart, he was so heart broken with your departure that he distant himself from everybody. He called me to tell me that he was breaking up with me" Tem said and sighed

"I was happy as long as he wasn't with someone else but you had to come back" Tem said and squeezed Tay's cheeks "and with a pregnancy too" he said and pointed at his bump

"I was abroad and didn't knew you came back, I came to know about it when I came back a few months ago and have been following you two since then, I couldn't see you so happy with the man I love so I planned to kidnap you and see I was succesful" Tem said

"And now Time will be mine"Tem said with pride

"But he doesn't love you" Tay said, Tem looked at him angrily and slapped him again

"Shut that damn mouth, he will be mine and he will come to love me if he spend sometime with me" Tem said

"He will never love you" Tay replied

"You really want me to beat you up right" Tem said and slapped Tay multiple times

"Now that you have shut up, stay like that and maybe I will let you go without more harm" Tem said and left with his men.

"Time where are you? I miss you, please take me way from this place soon. I'm sorry I should have trusted you" Tay hoped silently

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 16, 2023 ⏰

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