Why Christ

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The world is filled with a lot of people with different religions. Why choose Christ? Why God?

According to Genesis 1:1 In the beginning God created Heaven and Earth. So basically He's our Creator, all is into existence because of Him.

Some tend to ask what was before God. This is a question of doubt instilled by the devil. Now one thing you have to understand is Christ has the answer to everything. But the Bible enlightens us that it is a privilege to be able to decipher the Word of God which answers all questions.

A privilege in which it is a blessing because when Solomon could have asked for anything, he asked for wisdom. So the fist step you take is believing in Christ. Without faith it is impossible to please Him ~ Hebrews 11:6

•You choose Christ because there's no one else like Him. The Beginning and the End. That's Him. Who else parted the Red Sea? Who else walked on water? Who else died for your sins?

•You know what's so beautiful about Him dying for us? Despite all the horrible things we've done, the depression, anxiety, guilt and negativity, Christ died for you. It was proof of His love for you. It was His way of saying I love you despite  everything else✨💕

•There's nothing better than knowing that Christ, blameless, died for you. He paid your price in full. You are His everytime, especially when the world has left you out, He thinks of you every time.

You choose Christ because He chose you first John 15:16.....you love Him because He loved you first. John 3:16 ~ For God so loved the world that He gave His only Begotten Son that whosoever believes in Him shall not perish but have everlasting life💕🌈

•There's no one like Christ. That's why you choose Him. No one fills you up till you overflow like He does. With Christ you have peace that makes no sense. In the midst of chaos He lifts you up✨ leaving you gracefully broken.

God is a refuge, rock and firm foundation ⛰️ Never ever has He let His children down. ✨Psalm 91✨God doesn't change. When circumstances, people and times change, Christ is the same yesterday, today and forever 😊

Christ grants Hope. Therefore, with minds that are alert and fully sober, set your hope on the grace to be brought to you when Jesus Christ is revealed at His coming ~ 1 Peter 1:13. Knowing that He will come back for you to take you to a peaceful place with no sorrow, no hurt, no agony and no mourning ~ Revelation 21:4,  gives you so much hope. Hope to believe, love and trust His word. It gives you hope to continue doing good and aligning your life with Christ for the steps of a righteous man are ordered by the Lord ~

Jesus Christ is life. According to John 14:6 ~ I am the Way and the Truth and the Life. You can only navigate life with Christ. To ensure that you live life to the fullest you need Christ and Him alone. For with all other ways there is no guarantee. But with Jesus Christ there is eternal life guaranteed.

Author's note
Hope you all are good and blessed. Rememeber Christ loves and cares for you😊💕✨

Hope you enjoyed and loved this chapter. God bless you for reaching the end🙏

Feel free to inbox me with any new ideas of Daily Bread 🍞 content and, of course any and all Bible verses will be much appreciated 🙏✨💕

Lots of love 💕

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