Your Purpose

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One thing people tend to forget is that they were not made to just fill up space on earth, but were made for a reason. A purpose ~ Jeremiah 29:11

Now, life has no manual, so we have no idea how to get about attaining our purpose because of different reasons. We experience many things that teach and shape us for our purpose. Different people with different purposes fill the earth thus no certain manual for everyone to get their particular purpose in life.

If there's one thing you should know it's that, only God can help you attain your purpose. According to Jeremiah 29:11, He has great plans for you, plans to prosper you and not to harm you, but to give you a hope and future.

So before we reach purpose attaining, how great is it to know that the Living God has great plans for us?!😊 Not just any plans but great plans for us. He literally took His marvelous time to orchestrate our lives with great plans and great purpose😊✨ I feel special and so should you💞💯🌈

The whole idea of a purpose is to fix something, bring change and make better. 'Great plans' means to do something huge with great weight or impact to change the world positively, impacting lives and end chaos or problems. Now you being created basically, is God Himself saying He trusts you to fix, bring change and make the World a better place. Wow!! Such great responsibility.

The best part is, God never leaves nor forsakes you. Through the journey of discovering your purpose God helps you grow into it. All the situations, trials, tribulations and circumstances are brought forth to shape you for your purpose. Funny part is, the more pinching and crushing your situations are, the greater or rather closer you are to obtain your full potential. It's not easy, ever, but your purpose is great just like your God!

According to John 10:14, Jesus says "I call them by name and they know My voice." This means that Jesus calls His sheep what they are. A hint of your purpose is bestowed in your name.

A beautiful example of purpose is Jesus. He was called the Messiah because indeed He freed the Jews from their oppressors (sin and all it comes with: hate, anger, spiritual hunger, eternal death, depression, racism, pain and etcetera). He wasn't called Messiah for fun but because of His purpose. He died for our sins and freed all of us from sin.

In the process of His journey, Christ faced challenges. The Pharisees who didn't like Him and wanted to get rid of Him, the harsh behaviour received from His neighborhood, the disciples' lack of faith and the test in the wilderness along a whole lot more. All these things were, so He could grow to bear the agony brought by the cross, His purpose.

Now other than the cross, Jesus did a lot of other things. The growth process which was preaching and healing were effective and crucial or rather necessary for Him to die for us. Imagine if He just got born and whaaam out if nowhere died for us. It wouldn't have been effective as it was.

According to Jeremiah 1:5, God knew you way before you were born or even started developing in your mother's womb. Open your Bible to Genesis 25:22-26, where you'll look at Jacob and Esau. Now based on their foetus development and birth, you'll see the alignment of their purpose even as they grow.

You are not a mistake. Your circumstances have a say in your future. Will you do something about it or you'll just sit and let your purpose go to waste? Be the turning point in your family, society and even country. For great are the plans God has for you!!

The journey towards reaching your true potential makes your purpose more effective. You are taught, you learn and you grow in all aspects of your life.

From today onwards God wants you to set up a dream board. Write all your dreams and goals. Before this, pray that what you write down aligns with His purpose. Why? Because no matter how good whatsoever you write is, if it isn't your purpose it serves absolutely no purpose and you'll begin feeling like God isn't answering your prayers. Honey! You're praying the wrong ones. No offence! After praying and before you write your dreams down, at the top, write this as your topic: Jeremiah 29:11. Write the verse word for word. You will not regret it.


Author's note
Hope you're blessed and glad. Just a friendly reminder to pray and read the Word of God.😊❤️🌈

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Till next time❤️😊

Lots of love

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 07, 2023 ⏰

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