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"God hates you!"
But isn't it odd?
Everything comes back to a god.

The way you get on your knees and pray,
or get on your knees for a man,
I do the same for a woman.

This brings so much pain,
more than you could imagine.

You can never know me,
for you are forever judging me in all aspects.
My life is not a game. My love isn't to tame.

It hurts to think you'd love me less,
the more I love.
As I open my heart to a woman,
you close yours to me.

You don't look at me,
The way you used to look at me.

"You must be so proud of being gay!!"
"I like women"
"I like women"
"I like women"
Repeating the scariest words
over and over.
To the scariest person of all,
the mirror.

For internalized homophobia
is the worst of all.

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