Life Just Goes On Arc (1st Year)

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---This is my first time making a romance story so bear with me---


Second Arc will feature some references and fights as well as moments of romance as well.

Sora would wake up this morning, looking sluggish but unamused like last time but Aika was all he thought about.

Sora: *confused* "Am Love...with her?..."

Sora: "...It must because she's a good friend I guess..."

Sora would look around in his room, as he noticed his phone was buzzing.

Sora picked up his phone and answered the call.


Sora: *annoyed* "What?"

???: *angered* "YOU ARE NEXT TO BE MY WORSE ENEMY...."

Sora hanged up the phone, and sighed.

Sora: *angered* "Worse than Those Guys I Beaten when i met Her..."

Sora: "I think imma watch some rosa x vampire after I finish reading Half Speed..."

Sora then finished reading Half Speed.

Sora: *laughing* "Byron is just like me in a way.."

Sora noticed the time and headed down downstairs.

Satou: *Shouting* "Sora..."

Sora: *Confused* "Yes, Dad?"

Satou: *confused* "Where are you going?"

Sora: "To see Hiroyuki."


Sora: *embarrassed, waving* "See ya later Dad."

Satou didn't know Aya was behind him.

Aya: *angry* "Where is Sora, My Love?"

Satou: "oh dear..."

Aya scolded Satou, hitting him on the head

Satou: "Ow..."

Aya: "Now Eat Sora's Portion i Guess.."

Megumi after finishing her food.

Megumi: *waving* "MOM, I AM GOING NOW."

Megumi would walk to school now, but then she stopped as she noticed Sora going the opposite direction of the school.

Megumi: *wondering* "Where is that idiot going?"

We would then get introduced to Daisuke, who was quite weird and strange, with 200 pounds of body fat and quite perverted tendencies.

Daisuke: *muttering, bleeding from the nose* "16.5cm, Bust size A, Luna Watanabe"

Jisu: *Rubbing His Hands, Perversely* "DO HER.. DO HER..."

Takashi: *Rubbing his hands, lustfully* "YEAH YEAH DO HER DO HER..."

Daisuke would notice Emi, as he then blushed, this however made Emi Weirded Out.

???: "...What A Weirdo..."

??? was a 5'4 15 Year Old 2nd Year who was quite gothic appearance, and had a emo like personality but was also the Student Body President.


Daisuke: "Hana... Aged 15... 162.56cm... Bust Size D.."

Hana would stare at Daisuke, with disgust.

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