Kamikaze Days Arc (2nd Year)

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Opening Theme Plays 


The Scene Fades to Sora standing over his friends knocked out bodies.

Sora: "...Thank You for Everything."

Sora would walk out the building, while frowning a bit.

Sora: "...I'll Make Sure to Make my so called birth family pay for their crimes.."

Sora would dash forward, sprinting.

Sora: "...sorry Aika."

Sora would continue to walk until he entered his house.

Sora: "...Let's Just Get what i need first.."

Sora would then leave a note on the door of his room stating: "Goodbye."

We then shift to where everyone was beaten on rooftop, as they were now regaining their consciousness.

Hiroyuki would slowly get back up, as he eyed everyone around him.

Hiroyuki: "...Sora, why did you have to run off..."

Hiroyuki would be angry with himself that he failed in bringing his best friend, Sora back.

Moriko, Luna, Hana & Emi comforted Aika as she was breaking down from this.

Daisuke helped up Yuki and Mia, as he then blurted out, "...Sora wasn't cool anyways."

Daisuke then grinned, "maybe it was his choice, if i was him i would've have many women to myself.." 

Daisuke would belittle this event as nothing as a choice of Sora's but then Hiroyuki lifted up Daisuke by the collar to which surprised and shocked everyone around them.

Hiroyuki would then drop Daisuke on the ground, as he noticed Aika on the ground.

Hiroyuki eyed Moriko, to which caused moriko to blush slightly, he then asked her if she was okay.

Moriko would nod, but she began to cry in Hiroyuki's Arms as she was upset about Sora's Actions.

We then shift to where we see Sora arrive in front of a large building as he then rushed inside.

Sora would walk inside, as he acted really serious as he eyed the two yakuza lackeys.

Sora: "..let me inside now."

Sora lifted the guy by the neck, as he then seen the other guy with the pistol as he then aimed it at his head.

Sora, eyed the man and grinned, "fire the pistol now."

Sora then threw the other lackey into the man, as he then took his pistol and ended their lives, quick and painfully.

Sora would eye the dead yakuza bodies as he then kicked them down the stairs and stormed inside the building.

Sora would yawn as he then finished the last guy who was in the hallway here, he then stared at everyone on the ground, dead.

Sora would stare at the door, as he then noticed his Brother, Hanuel staring at the many bodies dead in his building.

Hanuel, though amused but annoyed would finally speak, "You being here, doesn't matter to us at all rather it just means the people you hold dear would soon be killed by us, then the cycle continues.."

Sora would stare at Hanuel, pissed off still as he then walked up to Hanuel.

Hanuel: "you know we never had a serious fight against each other, have we?!"

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