Chapter 6: Apologies

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Katerina's POV

Once I got home my mom took me to the hospital to get my ankle re-wrapped and looked at again. My foot was still kind of hurting, but most of the pain had subsided. I was relaxing on my bed because I had finished all my homework when I heard a knock at the door. I figured it was just one of our bodyguards ringing the door bell, but then I heard a familiar voice. Oh my fucking God. Nicolai's voice came loud and clear.

"Privet Mr. Markovic." My dad answered the door. Shit.

"Privet. How may I help you Mr ... ?"

"Nicolai Romanov," I heard him respond curtly. I couldn't hear very well from my room so I moved to the hallway hopping on one foot to eavesdrop.

"Ah, you're Vitaly's son. Please call me Alexandr. Well, it's nice to finally meet you now that you're all grown up. You don't remember me, but I've know you ever since you were a baby. Please come in," my dad responded cheerfully.

I heard the door close and I moved back a bit when I could see my dad's body frame downstairs. What was Nicolai doing here? Was he here to see me? Probably not. He's probably here to see my dad about some mafia stuff. That's why he left earlier, I know it is. I don't know why he couldn't have just told me in the first place though. Did he not trust me? Whatever, what's done is done, no need to dwell on what happened even if it did kind of hurt my feelings.

"What can I do for you Nicolai?"

"I'm here to see Katerina sir. Is she home?" Nicolai responded.

My heart fluttered at his words. He was here to see me. Oh my God. I look like crap. I ran into my room as fast as I could with one foot and silently closed the door. I then hopped into the bathroom and quickly put on some eyeliner and mascara.

"Nicki, can you show Nicolai where Katerina's room is?" my father said.

I faintly heard them coming up the stairs and my heart started to beat faster and faster. I went to move towards the balcony, but my foot caught under the bed and I tripped and fell hitting my head of the end of my nightstand.

"Fuck!" I yelled and I hit my head. I heard footsteps coming louder and harder up the steps. My eyes closed when I couldn't keep them open any longer from the pain.

"Katerina!" I heard Nicolai yell. I felt strong and familiar arms hold me. Nicolai. "Wake up Katerina. Please wake up," he pleaded sounding seriously worried. I reluctantly started to open my eyes blinking slowly to regain my bearings.

"Are you alright? What happened? Are you hurt?" Dominic kept asking.

"I'm fine. I'm fine." I tried getting up but my head felt like it was pounding against my skull. "Ow, ow, ow ouch!" I replied as a result of my headache.

"Damn. What happened?" Nicolai inquired.

"I tripped over the bed. I told you I was a klutz."

Nicolai laughed and then set me on my bed.

"Are you sure you're okay Rina?" Dom asked worriedly.

"Yeah I'm fine. Can you just get me some aspirin please?" He fished out the aspirin in my desk drawer and handed me the bottle.

"Do you need me to call mom and dad?"

"No, it's okay. Thanks Nicki." Dominic left the room and closed the door behind him.

"You really had me worried there for a second Katerina," Nicolai breathed out. I felt so embarrassed right now. Why do I have to be such a klutz?

"What are you doing here anyways?" I asked getting right to the point.

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