20 || Q U E R E N C I A

11 3 0

querencia (n.) ~ a place from which one's strength is drawn, where one feels at home the place where you are your most authentic self

song of the day: OHMAMI - Chase Atlantic


Today's the day we leave for New York! Well, technically, tomorrow is the day considering we leave for RDU in morning at 3:15. I don't plan on going to sleep at all tonight which is probably going to bite me in the booty cheeks tomorrow. Oh well, there's nothing I can do about it. I'm going to be way too excited to sleep tonight.

"You have everything packed?" Momma asks me from where she stands at my door frame. She's asked me the same question every thirty minutes it feels like. Internally, I'm rolling my eyes so much I have a headache.

The sigh I'm trying so hard to keep in almost leaves me. "Almost, I just need to put in the last minute things like my hairbrush and stuff," I tell her trying not to let my annoyance slip through my tongue. That didn't work.

I see her frown through my full-length mirror. "No need to get an attitude. I'm just trying to help, and you're making it seem like I'm a burden," She scolds.

The guilty feeling in my chest bubbles with each word she says. I don't mean to have an attitude. It's just so annoying when she acts like I'm a five year old who can't get shit done. Even when we both know I'm more than capable of getting my stuff done. Usually it's me doing both my stuff and some of hers.

"Sorry," I mumble as I gather a piece of hair to curl. I figured I'd curl my hair tonight so that I won't have to do it tomorrow before the concert.

We're staying in New York for five days. We fly back at 9:30 in the evening on the last day. The only other planned thing we're doing other than the concert is going to see the Rockettes and Top of The Rock. Other than that, we'll just be shopping and spending time with Katherine.

The audacity she has to abandon me and go to New York is astronomical. How dare she leave me in this shitty state for the beautiful New York City. It's like she wants me to suffer.

She probably does to be honest. She's probably a sadist. I'm surprised her boyfriend can put up with her. Don't know how he does it, but I pray for him. Sometimes I wonder how he doesn't just kill himself from having to deal with her so much.

I'm kidding, if you didn't notice. I'm glad she found someone who loves her as much as he does. If he ever hurts her, I highly doubt he will, but just in case, I will be tying him to train tracks when I know a train is coming at night so that they won't see him in time to stop.

Mom mumbles something about me under her breath that I couldn't hear before heading downstairs. Knowing her, she probably mumbled something about me being an ungrateful brat. Isn't amazing how I already have a guess of what she said, and I didn't even hear her?

I roll my eyes and turn my music back on. Obviously I'm listening to my album that is solely just Chase Atlantic. I gotta be prepared for anything they throw our way. I refuse to look like a loser fan by accidentally messing up on an easy song like Meddle About or OHMAMI. Talk about embarrassing.

Two hours later, and I'm rolling my suitcase as quietly as I can across our hardwood floors in the living room. My dad waits for me at the island. He's gonna drive me there to make sure we all get there and on the plane safely. I'm so thankful for it because it gives me time to take a quick nap.

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