chapter 6- overprotective

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The next morning sero woke up in izukus bed alone. He slowly sat up and stretched, he didn't hear izukus shower running so he assumed he wasn't in the room at all. So sero pulled on one of izukus shirts and his panties, izukus shirt reached his knees making him blush a bit as he left izukus room and went to his dorm to get ready for school.

When he got there though his dorm door was opened. Confused, he walked inside the dorm only to see izuku already in his own uniform looking for seros in his closet. Sero slowly walked over to izuku and hugged his waist "baby? What are you doing?" Izuku looked down at sero and smiled "oh hey darling your supposed to be sleeping I was just getting your uniform for you so you can get ready in my room and take a shower" sero nods softly and smiled as he laid his head on izukus chest while izuku continued to search for the uniform.

Once izuku found it he picked up sero Into his arms and carried him back to his dorm, sero hopped down once inside and went to shower while izuku waited for him texting on his phone. Once sero returned fully dressed they went down to the commons area together and noticed everyone was already downstairs eating breakfast so izuku made him and sero something to eat and they joined the others.

Mina looked at sero and smirked "soo how was your date?~" sero blushed and smiled "it was...amazing the restaurant we went to was delicious" sero gushed happily while izuku chuckled "I can take you again if you'd like" sero immediately started nodding "yes please" bakugo sighed and took his empty plate to the sink then left for class.
It was now hero training time and sero was doing a 1v1 against bakugo, he was a bit nervous but he didn't show it. Izuku was 1v1 against tenya so he wasn't worried at all. Izuku and tenya went first, and not long after it started izuku had won. With his dad being a mafia boss he had the ability to take peoples quirk without afo but with a special syringe that could take the quirk out in a liquid form, every year around izukus birthday he'd give him a new quirk that he stolen so izuku had a Ton of quirks no one knew about.

After their fight it was seros turn with bakugo, izuku glared as he watched them fight not liking how big and destructive bakugo's explosions were. Izuku crossed his arms as he watched. And soon bakugo won, by letting off the same earth shattering explosion he released during their hero vs villain fight.

Izuku gasped and ran onto the field jerking bakugo up by his shirt and raising him to his eye level as he glared at him before letting out his deranged grin while speaking "I swear to you katsuki bakugo if he is hurt I will feed you to my cane Corso's and Rottweilers piece by piece" bakugo stared at him in fear as izuku dropped him on his ass and ran over to sero who was passed out on the field covered in 1st degree burns and cuts. Izukus eye twitched but he kept his composer as he carried sero to the infirmary.

Mina ran over to bakugo and helped him stand up "wow..izuku is really..overprotective.." she trailed off as she noticed bakugo trembling "bakugo..what did he say?" Bakugo looked at Mina and spoke softly "he said..he'd feed me to his dogs if sero is hurt..ik he's serious..he's tried to do it to someone in middle school before" bakugo looked nervous as Mina helped him off the field.
Meanwhile in the infirmary sero laid on the bed after recovery girl healed him. Izuku sat next to him holding his hand gently, izuku stared off into space until he felt his hand being squeezed he quickly looked at sero and smiled "hey darling how are you feeling?" Sero gave a tired smile "I'm alright izu just tired..can you lay with me?" Izuku nods and climbed onto the bed with sero and cuddled him stroking his hair gently.
Soon it was lunchtime and bakugo was still a bit shaken up, he ate his food slowly. Sero and izuku hadn't shown up yet for lunch which worried everyone as they looked at bakugo every now and then

Izuku and sero finally arrived and izuku had his arm wrapped around seros neck holding him close while sero had an arm around izukus waist they got their lunch and sat directly in front of bakugo who tensed up and looked at sero "s-..sero are you alright?" Sero nods with a smile "yea dude! Just a bit tired but I'll manage" izuku glared at bakugo through his hair as he ate his food but no one noticed except for bakugo who shivered and continued eating.
After school izuku was gone to see his mom while sero hung out with his friends. Sero was talking to Mina about his and izukus date while denki and kirishima played on denkis Playstation and bakugo sat in a corner doing his homework. "Soo was it good?" Sero blushed and looked away from Mina before nodding "y-yea.." Mina squealed "was it big!-" sero covered her mouth and blushed redder "s-shut up mina!" Mina giggled and licked seros hand, he immediately pulled away and wiped his hands on denkis bed "eww!" Mina laughs until seros phone starts ringing.

Sero answered the phone quickly as he stood up "hey izu! Yea I'm with Mina denki kirishima and bakugo..what? Oh were all just playing games on denkis Playstation and bakugos doing homework..oh! Sure I'd love to meet them..tomorrow? Yea that works" sero nodded along to izukus voice as he spoke "oh um..some udon noodles would be delicious and some dumplings too..sure I don't mind" sero suddenly started blushing "y-yea..we can do that.." sero bit his lower lip as he looked at Mina who was wiggling her eyebrows "o-ok bye..see you soon..I'll be in your dorm before you get home..ok love you too" sero hung up and sat on the bed as Mina grabbed his arm "what did he say?!" Sero smiled "I get to meet his parents tomorrow!" Mina squealed "that's a big step! Then what?" Sero blushed and nodded while still smiling "he wants to watch movies tonight and cuddle..and um.." sero leaned in and whispered the rest in her ear.

Mina gasped and immediately stood up "oooh! We have to go get you ready!" Mina dragged sero out of the room and closed the door Mina pulled sero up to her dorm and sat him on her bed then called momo.

Momo arrived quickly and closed the door "so what am i making today?" She asked and Mina smirked "the sexiest lingerie you can make any color" momo nods and smiled and began making it while sero took off his uniform and sat in just panties (lingerie in mm)

sero blushed as he looked at the lingerie "turn around!" Sero squeaked they both quickly did as told. Sero shimmied out of his panties and quickly slipped on the lingerie "ok I'm ready" Mina turned around and gasped "omg! You look so hot!" Mina jumped up and down as momo made a fluffy robe and helped sero put it on and tie it. After that they quickly took him back to izukus dorm and sero went inside and closed the door after the girls wished him luck.

Sero picked a movie and rolled a blunt and waited for izuku, once izuku finally came Into the dorm sero stood up and hugged him "hey izu" izuku smiled and hugged sero back and kissed his head "hey baby how was hanging out with your friends?" He asked and sero smiled "it was fun!" Sero then went to the bed and lit the blunt he rolled and handed it to izuku "here I rolled this while waiting for you" izuku smiled and sat on the bed and hit the blunt "so what's the robe for baby?" Sero blushed as he moved to sit behind izuku slowly rubbing his shoulders "you'll see~" sero cooed and slowly took off the robe while still behind izuku.

Izuku looked back and smirked when he saw the lingerie and pulled sero onto his lap "oh I'm gonna enjoy this~"

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