Too cute - Pablo Gavi

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Being friends with the some of the Barcelona squad is interesting to say the least but its so much fun and I would never give up my friendships with the team for anything. That being said we don't get to all spend time together very often as someone always has something to do but tonight by some miracle we are all free and have planned to hang out. I have had a very long and tiring week so I was considering not going but when I got a few texts about how excited everyone was I knew I couldn't not go. The one text that really solidified my fate was from Pablo as he is definitely the player I am closest to but we haven't seen each other in a little while and I knew he'd been really upset if I didn't turn up so I'm going for him.

My relationship with Pablo is somewhat complicated. We have been really close since Pedri introduced us to each other always hanging out any chance we get but recently we have entered into a weird phase. For ages we always told people we were strictly friends even when our friends shipped us together but now Pablo has started to sort of flirt with me and has been a bit more touchy. I love it as I have had feelings for Pablo for a while but have just been too scared to say anything but I still don't dare mention anything just in case he doesn't actually have feelings for me. If there is one thing I've learnt about Pablo it is that he likes physical contact but recently I just feel like he has changed he used to rest his arm on my shoulder but now he will put it around my waist instead. He has also started greeting me with a kiss on the cheek which is a normal thing here but for us it's a new thing. These things have me questioning what exactly our relationship is but I'm too scared to say something incase I lose him.

Despite my dilemma with Pablo we are still really good friends so I agreed to pick him up on my way to Pedri's place where we would all be hanging out tonight. Like always he came running out and to my car and jumped in the passenger seat with a big smile on his face. Right away he launched into a conversation about what we have been doing since we last saw each other like we hadn't FaceTimed a few days ago having this exact conversation. Either way I was just happy to see him again as it has been far too long and I'll never get bored of hearing him talk about football as he's just so passionate about it. It didn't take us long to get to Pedri's and when we did I managed to find somewhere to park so that we could go in. In the few seconds I took to grab my car keys and my bag Pablo had run around the car to open my door for me which of course I thanked him for before we walked to Pedri's house.

All of us sat catching up even though the guys see each other pretty much everyday I don't get to see them that often so we talked about what they have all been doing. We ate some food before the boys started playing fifa while I just sat and watched as I'm useless no matter how much they try and teach me. I don't mind just watching them I much prefer it actually as they are all far too competitive for my liking. Me not playing also meant I got to rest a bit to keep my energy levels up for the rest of the evening. I was sat next to Pablo with my head resting against the sofa for a while before he noticed and put an arm around me to move me closer and the making me rest my head on his chest. Any other day I'd be a bit more hesitant especially around all of our friends but tonight I'm so tried that I don't really care as much. Once I was settled he went right back to playing with his arm around me.

Pablo was so comfy that I could have fallen asleep if it wasn't for the constant shouting from everyone when they were losing. I was also trying to subtly stare at Pablo as he played as I have always loved the way he looks when he's concentrating but he caught me a few times and just stared right back until we both ended up laughing as we can't be serious for too long. After they decided to stop playing Pablo went back to looking down at me and playing with some of my hair and probably messing it up but I didn't care. We were so in our own world that we didn't notice the guys taking pictures of us until both of our phones went off and we both looked to see pictures of us cuddling. I wanted to be mad but I just couldn't as I actually really liked the pictures and will probably save them when I am on my own later so no one knows.

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