Miss you- Pedri Gonzalez

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Being in my last year of university has been so much harder than I ever imagine it would have been. It has been constant studying and exams the entire year and now that the end is in sight it's only ramping up even more. The last week I've barely left my desk as I have some really important exams coming up which I need to do well on to get a good degree. Having to study so much has been tiring and I miss having a normal routine but I mostly miss spending time with my boyfriend Pedri.

I have felt so awful because every day when Pedri gets home he comes to spend time with me and every time I brush him off and only see him again when I get into bed after he's already fallen asleep. Shutting him out is the wrong thing to do and I know that but I really need to concentrate and I know I'll never go back to studying if I start spending time with him. Not being able to talk to him about training or watch his matches has been difficult but I've stayed strong and have kept focused on studying no matter how boring it gets.

Today has been the worst day as nothing has gone right I just haven't been able to take in any information and I've just been really frustrated with everything. All of this isn't helped by the fact that I barely slept last night as I was worrying about my first exam which is in just two days now. I have always been that person that gets overly anxious about exams even when they don't mean anything so when an exam is really important I'm just a constant ball of nerves. Just as I was actually getting into studying and starting to understand the content I heard the front door open and close meaning Pedri was home. I love Pedri so much but I was kind of hoping that he wouldn't come in to see me as I don't want to be distracted but of course a few seconds later he came in and stood in the doorway. To be kind I looked and and smiled at him before going back to making notes but as soon as I did I heard him sigh.

"Is everything ok?" I asked while still writing

"Not really no I've miss you you are always in here studying all day and I don't see you at all" he said

"I'm sorry Pedri I wish I could spend more time with you but these exams are really important and I need to do well" I said

"I know but I barely see you for a minute every day it's like you're not here" he said

"I'm sorry why don't you come and sit with me so we can be together" I suggested

That was all it took for him to get another chair to pull up next to mine which seemed to make him happier. Right away he tried asking me questions about what I was doing which is why I've wanted to be left alone as he just distracts me but I answered his questions anyway while trying to keep focused. He kept talking about everything that's happened in the last week which I wanted to listen to but I was trying to block him out as I noticed my mind drifting from studying and luckily he didn't seem to notice as I know it would upset him if I wasn't listening. We sat together for a while with him just talking before he started to put an arm around my waist which was fine until he tried to move me closer to him. When he did that I gently moved his arm off me and moved my chair back to its original position which was a bit further away from him.

He left me alone for a while before moving closer again grabbing hold of my arm that wasn't writing to hold my hand and then rested his head on my shoulder. It was annoying but I let it happen until he started to press kisses to my neck and jaw which usually I love but today I just wanted to be left alone. I let him do it for a while before I realised that I hadn't written anything since he started kissing me. It pained me but I had to move away slightly which meant his lips detached from my neck and I took my hand back to turn the page on my textbook. As soon as I did that he got up and went to leave but he stopped in the doorway again to look back at me.

"I would say I'll see you later but I know I won't see your for another few weeks" he said

"Pedri wait I'm sorry it's just this is really important" I said feeling bad

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