Baking- Pedri Gonzalez

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"I want to make a cake" I announced just to Pedri who was sat next to me

"Since when do you bake?" He questioned

"I mean I don't but that doesn't mean I can't I've baked before" I said

"What type of cake do you want to make?" He asked

"I was thinking just a regular sponge cake but I was going to decorate it to make it all pretty" I said

"Let's do it then" he said

"Wait you want to help me" I said

"Of course" he said pulling me up from the sofa

First I looked up a recipe and made a list of the things we needed so we could go and get them. We had some of the ingredients at home already but we needed some sugar and stuff to decorate the cake. Once we arrived at the store I was reminded why I always go without Pedri and that's because he's a nightmare, he wanted to go down every aisle and I had to remind him numerous times that he can't eat half the things in the store but eventually we made it to the baking aisle. The amount of different stuff in the aisle was overwhelming there was so many types of icing and they all came in every colour imaginable. While I was trying to take it all in and decide what would look good Pedri had made the decision for me and picked out a pale purple and blue icing. He then found some piping bags and nozzles which is definitely out of our skill range but it should be fun and at this point baking this cake is all about fun as it's definitely not going to taste good.

When we eventually had everything we needed Pedri took the basket from me and he paid which I tried to tell him not to do but there was no convincing him. When we made it back home he dropped everything off in the kitchen so we could get started but before he let me do anything he ran off upstairs which should take me by surprise but it just doesn't anymore. It wasn't long before he came back down holding two aprons which had clearly never been used as they must've been gag gifts probably from Fer. When he unfolded them all I could do was laugh one of them said warning hot stuff and the other had a picture of a man's abs on them. They were so cheesy but I kind of loved them, after some thinking Pedri gave me the hot stuff one which he said was because that's what I am but I know deep down it's because he wanted me to stare at him and I happily will oblige.

After he tied the apron for me we got out everything we needed and I pulled the recipe back up to find out how much we needed of each ingredient. I measured out the butter and sugar first then added the eggs before I mixed that together as that's what the recipe told me to do. As I was mixing I asked Pedri to measure out the flour to save some time and because he was just stood staring at me as I did everything. Stupidly I trusted him but I really shouldn't have he was doing well until a whole load of flour came out at once sending the amount way over what we needed and not an amount we could get away with just adding it was nearly double. He had to take some out and to start with he used a spoon but he picked the smallest spoon we have so of course he got bored and began to use his hands which thankfully he washed first. In hindsight I should've taken over before we got to this point but I didn't so instead I just watched as the countertops became covered in flour as well as Pedri.

It took just seconds for the entire kitchen including half the floor to be covered in flour. Pedri was covered too it was all over his apron, in his hair and on his face. I was so glad I had my phone, which was also dusted with flour, to take pictures of this moment. Pedri's parents and brother told me that he's not always the best in the kitchen although for as long as we've been together he's been fine but now I see what they mean. He graciously let me take some pictures of him so I can remember this moment and mock him for it for the foreseeable future although he was frowning in every single one I got. Once I was done laughing I started to feel a bit bad for him as he just wanted to help me bake and spend time with me and I'm just laughing at him.

Just as I was about to start dusting some of the flour off Pedri's look changed and instead of a pout he suddenly had a smirk on his face which is never a good thing. Next thing I knew he put his hands in the flour and started to run towards me. I ran away not wanting to meet the same dusty fate but Pedri is a faster runner than I am and he has better stamina than me so it wasn't long before I gave up and he caught me. He pulled me straight into a hug and then put his hands on my face so I too was looking a bit like a snowman. Once he let me go he pressed a quick kiss to my nose before also pressing one to my lips which made this whole situation a lot better. As I turned to head back to the kitchen I felt Pedri put his hands on my ass which I definitely should've seen coming as he can be such a child at times. We have a mirror by the front door so I went to look at what he'd done and there was two handprints right there which really stood out as I had black leggings on.

Pedri eventually made his way to join me in the kitchen and we finally added the flour and finished the mixture so it could go in the oven. Then we were faced with the daunting task of cleaning the mess that had only seemed to spread. First we washed up all of the utensils and the bowls we used as that was less daunting. Once that was done we had no choice but to face the explosion of flour that covered the kitchen. Pedri put some music on and grabbed the cleaning supplies; if I was mean I would make him clean it all himself but I'm not so I started mopping the floor while he cleaned the counter.

"You don't have to help this is my mess I can clean it" he said

"We're a team so we work together plus I suggested we make a cake so this is partly my fault" I said

"This is why you're the best girlfriend" he said kissing my cheek quickly

As soon as the kitchen was clean the timer went off and the cake was done and I can't lie it looked really good. Pedri wanted to decorate it straight away but I made him wait for the cake to cool first as otherwise the icing would just melt into a big mess. He's usually quite impatient but today he was happy to wait and just hold onto me as we continued to listen to music while waiting for the cake to cool down. Most people don't get to see the softer side of Pedri as they only see him when he's highly focused on the pitch or messing around in training but he really is a softie. He loves to just cuddle like this or on the sofa under the fluffiest blanket we have in the house and he's more affectionate than you would think he always likes to be close to me or touching me in some way whenever we aren't in public and I love that it's like I get to have this part of him all to myself.

His patience and calmness didn't last too much longer though as the excitement go too much for him and he grabbed the icing and the piping bags and started to get them ready after I told him what to do. He gave me the purple icing while he had the blue so I showed him a simple design and we worked together to create a great pattern around the outside. We really did a good job if I do say so myself especially for our first attempt. Pedri was so pleased with what we made that he took a picture and sent it to his parents to get their approval which was really sweet. He was so happy when his mum text back saying that it looked lovely but a seconds after I got a text from her asking how much chaos he had caused which made me laugh while Pedri started putting on his pouty face again so I kissed his lips and sneakily put some icing on his nose before running away so that he couldn't get be back.

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