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I felt the warm morning Sun beam through my window. Taking a glance around my room, I notice a piece of paper lay flat on my desk.

I stand from my bed, taking a moment to stretch out my stiff muscles and joints. After hearing the small pop from my spine, I let out a satisfied sigh and make my way over the the desk, taking the paper in my hands.

My eyes widened as a wide smile spread across my face. I rushed to get dressed, nearly tripping over my own feet. Once I was finished, I ran out of my room, as if I was challenging time itself to a race. I slid down the rickety wooden railing of the stairs, nearly ramming into the wall. I sped past the kitchen, where my mother was making breakfast.

"Oh! Morning (y/n). Where are yo-"


"...oh. Well have fun sweetie!"

She yelled after me as I ran out the door. A warm ocean breeze enveloped me as the tall grass crunched under my agile feet.

Our little island was always so full of life. And as much as I loved it, I wanted to explore the world outside. I already knew every secret this island had to offer. I spent nights in the woods camping under the stars, met and fed every animal and dragon that lived here, even befriended most of them.

My dad always left to run errands and tend to dragons on other islands, but no matter how much I begged to go on the boat with him, he always refused. But today was different. Today I turn 6 years old!

Moms says that's still too young but dad thinks I'm old enough to use common sense and that I'm mature for my age compared to other kids. I wouldn't really know since I've never been around kids my age, let alone people other than my parents.

I shook those irrelevant thoughts from my head. 'Todays the day!' I thought. I was buzzing with excitement as the docks came into view.

my father was carrying crates filled with supplies below the small ships deck. i slowed to a jog as i reached the dock, immediately going to pick up a crate and help my dad load the ship. with our combined effort we were done in no time.

I wiped a little sweat from my forehead before spotting my mom walking towards us. I waved at her, alerting my father of her presence. he quickly jogged over to her, wrapping his strong hands around her waist and spinning her with ease. he gently placed her back on the ground and placed kisses on her face.

I faked a gagging nose, receiving a playful glare from my mom in return.

"You two better be safe out there. Come back in one piece alright?"

She placed a small kiss on my forehead before wrapping me in a tight hug.

"Yes mama."

"That's my firefly"

It took a while to asure her that I was going to be alright but eventually me and dad were on the boat as it slowly drifted away from the dock.

I waved excitedly at my mom.

               ~Time Skip~

We had arrived on today's island a couple hours ago. I watched and listened as my dad explained how to properly dress dragon's wounds. I was finally my turn to try.

Slowly I approached the terrible terror as it hissed lightly at me. I didn't back down, instead pulling out a small piece of raw fish, holding it out to the small dragon.

"Here, it's for you."

It glanced at it curiously before cautiously crawling into my lap and eating the fish.

I began to carefully clean the small cut on its back leg with a wet cloth before taking out a small bottle of medicinal paste that mama had made from herbs and tree sap. After applying it I gently but tightly wrapped a bandage around the wound, securing it with a knot.

"There you go little buddy! All better!"

The dragon glanced at my work, moving its leg up and down before crawling off my lap to walk around. When it noticed that its leg didn't hurt anymore it quickly got excited.

I watched with a smile as it pranced around before coming up to me and licking my face in gratitude.

"Aww you're welcome"

My dad walked up behind me and pat my head, effectively messing up my hair

"Good job Y/N! You did very well for your first time. Mom's gonna be proud!"

I smiled and beamed with pride. I can't wait to tell mama all the cool things I saw on my first trip!

(A/N: Hiii! I won't do author notes very often but I would love some feedback on this chapter!)

(830 words)

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