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"so why is your lip mark on Landon's face?" Mikey asked "I kissed his cheek" i said "he should do that to you and you guys should take a picture of your cheek and post it" Mikey said and I looked at Landon and he nodded so I put red lipstick on him and instead of my cheek his kissed my chin. We posted in on our story's and it was vary quickly on TikTok room. They were posted side by side with the caption 'landon barker and nova tua allegedly in a relationship, both had posted kiss marks on their face and it is known that Landon was with novas older brother Mikey tua.' "Landon!" I yelled and him and Mikey ran in my room "what's up babe?" Landon asked sitting on my bed and I just grabed his arm and my other hand was on his waist "what's wrong?" Mikey asked "I'm tired" I said "your not stealing him already" Mikey complained "yes" I said pulling him down so he lays down and I basically spooned him "no" Mikey said pulling Landon's arm "you can have him later" Mikey said "fine" I said and I let go of Landon and I cuddled my pillow Landon hugged me and 'secretly' kiss my head before standing up.


"Are you sleeping in my room?" Mikey asked "I think nova wants me to sleep in her room" I said "well she's a bitch so you can pick" he said "I'll hang out with you until we're tired then go to sleep in her room" I said "alright, wanna play videogames?" He asked and we did. "I'm lonely and can't sleep" nova said walking in and sitting next to Mikey "bro remember when you dated payton" Mikey said "yah" she sighed "what?" I asked "I regret it, he was actually just a dooshbag" she said "you really like dateing your brothers friends" I laughed "not really dude, I date guys I like I don't go for guys that are friends with my brother" she said and she walked out anoyed "I'll be right back" I said and I followed her to her room "babe" I said "don't" she said anoyed "I don't mean it like that I ment it as a joke" I said and she looked at me hurt. "I'm sorry" I said And she started to cry so I opened my arms and she nodded and hugged me "I'm so sorry" I said "it's ok I'm dramatic" she said "still I'm sorry, I'll be in your room in a little bit" I said and she smiled.

When Mikey fell asleep I went to novas room and she was ready to go to bed and everything but she had her tv on that sleep noise shit, her and bama do it, it's honstly relaxing when I can't sleep at home I go in bamas room. "Babe" I said "huh?" She asked uncovering her face  "cuddles?" I asked and she opened the blankets and she was under the blanket with her head on my chest. "Why do you sleep under a blanket?" I asked "I don't know I just always have, ever sence my mom died" she said "how did she die?" I asked "well in our old house when I was 3 someone broke in and my dad never really told us how she died but we just know she was killed while she was sleeping and the cops stoped the robber from comeing after my dad" she sighed "wow" I said "yah well it's comfortable" she said and within minutes she was dead asleep.


I woke up in the middle of the night and started thinking about my mom so I got out of bed and woke Mikey up "what's wrong?" He asked "what really happened to mom?" I asked "you don't need to know it's a lot" he said "no tell me I'm sick of being protected from the truth" I said



"Dad!!!" I screamed when I seen a man walk past my room "what's wrong mikey!?!" He asked, "a guy" I said and dad went to go look "HONEY!!" Dad yelled seeing the guy and the guy went in mama and dads room "Brenna!!!!" Dad screamed in the doorway of momas room and he was crying then the cops busted the door open and got the guy. "Mommy" I cryed watching then carry her out of the house and I followed them and they put her in an ambulance but she was coverd up. "MOMA!" I yelled as they drove away and I tryed to chase the ambulance. "Dad" I said crying and he hugged me. And we went to sissys room, the guy didn't get far enough down the hall to find her.

End flashback

"There was an intruder and I was awake to see the guy walk past my room and I woke dad up by screaming, cause just like you mom was a deep sleeper, I don't know how the guy killed mom but I watched them carry her out" I sighed "I feel bad for not remembering mom" she said "don't, she would be incredibly proud of you though, your just like she was" I said and she hugged me before walking out fo my room


"Dad?" I asked and I knocked on his door "whats up baby girl?" He asked "can I ask a tough question?" I asked "oh after loseing your mom I've been preparing myself for these questions but I dont know if I'm ready" he said "no how was mom killed?" I asked "oh that question, I haven't even told Mikey this" he said and Mikey walked in "I wanna know" Mikey said "oh geez, so nova do you know the rest of the story?" He asked and I nodded "alright so the guy walked around the bed and after so much yelling and mom not wakeing up she felt the intruders body heat and woke up, I know I told you she went in her sleep but I couldn't tell you what really happened yet" he said "what happened?" I asked "he only had a knife, and she coverd her face with the blanket cause she was scared but he stabed threw the blanket and stabed her in the face 3 times, she was a DOA witch means dead on arrival" dad said and no one said anything for a solid minute "and I think that's why you only sleep with your face coverd, I dinf know how it works but you only started doing that after mom died" dad said to me.

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