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When we all went downstairs to eat then do movie night I wsd in-between Landon and bama. Landon had his hand on my thigh and head on my shoulder. I put my hand on his and my head on his while cuddleing bama.

Bama was asleep and I was texting Landon cause I couldn't sleep

Werido (baby)

Baby I can't sleep I
don't know why but it's
anoying I love sleep.

I'm sorry, you can
come cuddle meeee?

No I promised bama

Well she's sleepingg

I don't care Landon
I made a promise

Well that's dumb

I'm sorry, wanna play a game?

Sure what game?

Random questions
cause I'm boredddd

Hmm what's your
favorite thing I do in my sleep?

You laugh. You start
laughing and it's so cute,
it's even better when my
head is on your chest
and I can feel the
vibration from your chest
OH MY LORD it is so
fucking cute. I could
litissin to your cute little
laugh every day
all day untill I die.

I love you so much, your turn

Ok what's your
favorite thing
I do in my sleep?

Copy cat! Pick a new question

Fine umm what's your
favorite thing about me?

That your so shy. It's cute
cause when you get scared and
latch on to someone
you know like me, Mikey,
bama or your dad

I'm tired baby I'm
gunna go to sleep

Ok, I love you
goodnight, I wish I
could kiss you

Landon didn't respond but a few minutes later he walked into bamas room being super quiet "you can" he said and he leaned down and kissed me "I love you too baby, get good sleep" he said and I just smiled as he went back to his own room.


nova wouldn't wake up no matter what and I was bored so I yelled for Landon "what?" He asked "wake her up" I said "babe" he said and he kissed her, she started blushing and brought her knees to her chest then he kissed her again "stop" she whinned "she was haveing problems sleeping at like 3am so she probably got no sleep" he said "then let her sleep." I said "I wanna cuddle her" he said "come on Landon it's my sleepover just cause her dad dosent trust you dosent mean you have to steal her" I said "ok I'm sorry" he said and he walked away


when I got home my dad screamed at me "you are not to hang out with Landon and you were at his house!" Dad yelled. "I was with his sister" I said "no more!" He yelled "you are fucking crazy. I seriously don't get why I can't hang out with Landon cause he's my boyfriend!" I yelled back "I don't want you pregnant!" He screamed "you think that low of me?" I asked and before he awncerd I went to my room and he walked in "princess that's not what I meant" dad said "it is! You think Landon is gunna get me pregnant! You think even if Landon would do that, you think I would! Maybe get me birth control then!" I yelled "you know I will but not because I don't trust you but because I don't want an accdent to mess up your life" he said.

Now that I have birth control dad lets me spend the night with Landon. "I haven't spent the night in weeks" Mikey complained to Landon "you both could" Landon said "ok" Mikey said "I'm fine with it" I said. We hung out with bama a lot too. "Oh shit babe can you grab me another shirt?" Landon asked from the bathroom and I did then "that was an excuse to kiss you" he said and he grabed my face before kissing me "god damn you make me crazy" I said and he changed his shirt then we walked out together "sis!" Mikey said "what?" I asked "your ulgy" he said "wow" I said "the only good thing about your outfit is your pants" he said "well that's funny cause the hoodie is yours, my shirt is Landon's, and the boxers are Landon's so suck it bitch, the pants are the only thing that's mine" I said "oh fuck you" he said, Mikey and bama went on a walk do it was just me and Landon. He was makeing a titkok with the sound 'ive been looking for someone to put up with my bull shit' so I tackled him and kissed his cheek "no more sad song!" I yelled in his ear "baby it's a song" he said "I don't careee" I said. We cuddled untill they both back and Mikey was high

"Baby" Landon said "yes?" I asked "are you comeing over tonight?" He asked "I don't think so" I said "whyy?" He asked "because it's my cousins birthday" I said "oh ok" he said and he sounded upset "I know Landon, im fucking with you yes I'll be there and I have a gift for you, well us but it's a surprise for you" I said "and a gift for you" I added "I got stuff for us to do together and one or two gifts" he said "why are we even going all out it's been a month" I laughed "so?" He said "your right I love you" I said "I love you too" he said

When I got to his house with the stuff I put it in bamas room cause our anaversrey isn't until tomorrow.

I spent the night again so we can be together our whole anaversrey.

He gave me me a necklace with his name on it and the card that comes with it says "just in case you forget my name" and a ton of love notes and of course red roses. "My turn" I said smileing and I handed him the big bag, love notes, clogne, boxers that I will end up stealing, a hoodie, also will be mine, matching frog ouncsies and spiderman ones.

We cuddled while in the frog ounsies.

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