Perfect Prince V.3

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The Royal Family of the Antartic Empire used to be adored by all and happy. That was before it all went to shit.

The family used to fill the halls of the large castle with giggles and smiles and joy. They used to chase each other down the halls. They used to have family game nights. They used to play hide–and–seek and tag in the gardens.

Now the castle was empty.

There were no smiles and laughter and joy coming from the family of four. There was no giggles from the two young twins. There were no chasing each other down the halls, there were no more family game nights. Only the ghosts remained in the gardens, climbing the trees and making flower crowns and playing tag and wrestling and hiding from the seekers.

The castle had, figuratively, been abandoned.

Before everyone went downhill, the boys were five. Two boys, twins, adored by all but loved the most by their loving parents. The family consisted of King Phillip, Queen Krisitin, and their twins, Princes William and Technoblade.

They spent their time guessing what species they would turn out to be when they turned six. Both parents were Avians, but Phillip had Piglin in him and Kristin's other blood was a mystery.

When they became six, everything went to shit.

Technoblade's inheritatance came in, coming to be a full–blown Piglin with little blood of both his parents' Avianage. As they celebrated Techno's coming–of–age, Wilbur was forgotten.

Luckily for him, his mother still cared for him, despite the other two's neglectance and focus on Technoblade. She sung him to sleep, read him story tales, took him to see the stars, and visit the townsfolk. Wilbur had no idea why, as by the time they turned seven, it was clear he was human.

One night, they'd been observing the stars when thoughts like those overwhelmed him.

"Mommy?" he spoke quietly, hesitantly. She hummed, turning to him.

"What's wrong, baby?" she comforted, brushing his curly hair to the side.

"Why do you favor me?" he suddenly asked.

"What do you mean, sweetie?"

"I mean . . . Phil said Technoblade's the better twin. He said he's worth something, because he's a piglin and I'm a filthy human. Why do you love me if I'm worthless?"

The Queen's eyes widened, hands freezing. Her eyes flashed red with anger, though not directed towards Wilbur. After a second, she sighed sadly, eyes returning to the normal brown as she continued running her fingers through his hair.

"You're not worthless, darling; I'll talk to your father. But know you're not filthy, you're not worthless. Technoblade's not better than you in any way."

"But I'm human!" the young boy cried. "You're an Avian, Dad's an Avian! Technoblade's a Piglin! I'm the only human in the world since they went extinct! Dad said it was survival of the fittest; he said I wouldn't survive long."

Again, Kristin froze as her eyes flashed red. Again, she sighed before going back to brushing his hair with her fingers and her eyes going from blood–red to chocolate brown, much like Wilbur's.

"Just because you're human doesn't mean you're under anyone. Okay, Wil, darling?"

Wilbur huffed, turning to face the stars. "Okay. . ."

"And, Wil, you're not human."

Wilbur turned to her in shock, a large grin making its way onto his face. Kristin returned it with a fond one.

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