Karma and Vengeance

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"Awe, how pitiful!" Wilbur cried out, feigning worry and sadness. He kept the smile at bay, though he knew the malicious intent was bright red in his eyes.

His victim, a guy named Karl, turned around with fear in his eyes. "Wilbur? What—What do you need?"

"Oh, come on!" He approached the tense male and tossed an arm over his shoulder. "Can't I see my favorite friend?"

Karl was one of Wilbur's favorite victims, taking his place right beside Sapnap. He was only ever able to get to them recently, about six months ago, after they broke up with Quackity during a huge fight in front of everyone. From the sounds of it, they were neglectful assholes, and how could Wilbur miss out on the chance to make them regret it?

No, Wilbur wasn't defending Quackity or some dumb shit. Quackity was his rival, the two constantly at the other's throats, each silently competing in the number of people that feared them, trying to gain more than their rival. When Quackity began dating them—even if he hadn't even known they existed up to that point—he knew they were his perfect victims. He wanted to destroy them from the inside of their brains, but they were under his rival's protection, and all of the school's local terrorizers knew not to go that far and harm each others' siblings and lovers.

So Wilbur suffered. Wilbur waited ever so patiently, like a predator examine their prey. He observed from afar, daydreaming of how much of that joy he could remove and how paranoid he could force them to become without so much as lifting a finger and flicking their foreheads.

But then the fight happened, loud and proud right in the cafeteria. Karl was seemingly the instigator, calling Q names that shouldn't ever be repeated, and Sapnap sided with him and eventually threatened the shortest. The three lovers were now two, shamelessly breaking up in full view of every student, and Quackity ran out crying.

And suddenly they were his.

The fact that all the normal students despised them with a passion was merely a bonus. When he began to fiercely target them with everything he had, they joined in and laughed, pointing fingers while being internally grateful he turned attention away from the rest of them. "You deserve this!" was the most common phrase directed towards the two that only inflated Wilbur's ego.

For the first time in his entire life, Wilbur was receiving good attention. At first, it was surprising, uncomfortable even—not even his father and brothers gave him that kind of attention when they all were mere kids—but then he began to relish in it. He was obsessed with it, and soon enough, Karl and Sapnap became his prime targets, and he was going to lengths he wouldn't never dared to before as they further encouraged the behavior.

"We're not friends. Don't say that we are."

Wilbur pouted, hiding the rising flames or anger deep down inside. "That's not fair! We've had so much fun together these past months! We've bonded! We're practically brothers!"

"No, we are not!" Karl tried again, and Wilbur began to wonder how many seconds until Sapnap turned up, rushing to protect his lover. "We have nothing in common!"

"Oh, come on. We both hate Quackity, that's one thing. We both enjoy implementing mental pain upon others, that's another."

"You do not say I'm like you! I don't like hurting anyone! How dare you say that!"

Wilbur laughed, causing the other to flinch and become uneasy, confidence escaping its confinement. "Really? So making Quackity wonder wether or not you guys loved him, making Quackity think it was his fault you were neglecting him is not something I myself would do to some victims of mine? Him crying wasn't beautiful to you, watching him suffer was such a wondrous thing? Then why'd you do it?"

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