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Bonnie finally made it home after replaying the last hour in her head over and over. Her and Damon had a fight and that lead her to Elena's house, where she punched her in the face. After all this time and the fake sadness and all the lies, Elena proved that she was no different than Katherine, after all they are family and Blood is thicker than water, but silly of Bonnie to assume that she was her family too. Maybe not blood related but family nonetheless. Some how, Bonnie made it to her room and just stood there looking around at the different things that some how represent who she is as a person. Her eyes found a picture that her and Elena that Caroline took on the first day of school during junior year before vampires started to invade the town. Bonnie picked the picture up and took it out of its frame for a better look. They looked so young, but also older if that was even possible in the picture.

"How could someone so sweet be so evil" Bonnie asked herself as she rubbed her finger up and down the photo. Just looking at the picture brought Bonnie backed to this very moment and what lead her to that picture. After all the talks and heartfelt moments that they had Bonnie didn't understand her good friend even more. All she kept feeling was betryal.

"INCENDIA" Bonnie said as she watched the flames take over the picture in a new life of its own. She watched the picture and flames die out in the palm of her hand not even so much as a burn mark or ashes to even state that there was ever a picture that was just destory. She was lost in her thoughts when her cell started to ring. Her cell rung 5 times before she set her feet forward to go get it. Looking at her cell and one of the calls that she missed was from Elena, set Bonnie off even further. She said a protection spelled that kept all things supernatural within a 5 mile radius away from her. She didn't want to be bother by anyone, especially the likes of Damon or Elena at the moment. If they really knew what was going through her mind at the moment, they would stay far away if they know whats good for them. She took a shower and got ready for bed. Wanting to be by herself for the rest of the night, she went downstairs and cut the ringer off the phone and came back up and sent her dad a message and turned her cell off. Bonnie turned all the lights off and climbed in the middle of her bed and just laid there. Trying to figure out how her world got turned upside down at the moment was too stressful for her, so Bonnie did the only thing she could do and that was to go to sleep and handle everything else in the morning.

She woke up around 9:40am feeling good about herself and the day, until last nights events crashed down on her. Her and Damon having a fight. Where they still together after everything that happened? Also, her punching Elena in the face. Bonnie told herself. She jumped out of bed not the one to feel sorry for herself or let anyone run over her, maybe the old her, yeah, but the new her, would not anymore. She was tired of being the one to let everything go. Bonnie settled on a simple but cute outfit to match the sunny bright day outside. A stripe short sleeve blouse and skinny denim jeans and navy blue flats. Bonnie wore her hair in light curves and very light make up and lip glossed. By the time that she was finished, it was almost 11am. She wanted something quick and and easy and decided to go to the grill. Before she left, she turned the ringer back on and her dropped her cell in her purse. She took the spell down as drove to the grill for breakfast.

She enter the greasy establishment and lockdown on the first open table that she saw, which happens to be off to the side of the door. Bonnie was minding her business when she felt and saw someone's shadow looming over her. Bonnie glanced up to turn who ever was getting ready to distrub her away but smiled brightly at her visitor.

"Good morning. Long time, no see, Bonnie" said Matt as he lean down to hug her from behind.

"I know, I know, I'm sorry." said Bonnie as she smiled brightly for him. "How are you doing"

"I'm good, same ol' this and that, nothing too stressful, what about you? How are you?"

Matt was the last person she wanted to know what was going on with her and her problem, but she didn't want to bring him down. He really was one of those good guys that you root for to win everything.

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