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Bonnie woke to the soft kisses and caresses from Damon as he gave her a mini morning massage. Just the feel and pressure of his strong manly hands left Bonnie melting and wanting Damon and his hands somewhere else right now.

"If I haven't told you this before, but I love your skin. Your like my own personal buttermilk biscuit that I just want to eat all day long"

Rubbing his hands down her covered back to her hips and thighs, Damon flipped Bonnie over on her back and continue the pattern on her front side. He moved his fingers up from her creamy, smooth legs towards her thighs to where they played with her teeny tiny shorts, before pulling them off her.

"Is that so, loverboy?" opening her legs, she pulled Damon in between them as he continued his kisses down her neck and all over her chest.

"Yes. kiss. It. kiss. Is. kiss"

Bonnie and Damon where so wrapped up in one another that they didn't hear a creek or someone approaching Bonnie's room door. Bonnie had just pushed Damon back to where he was the one on his back with her straddling him. Damon cuffed both of Bonnie's breast in his hands and was getting ready to punish them for teasing him everytime when...

"What the HELL is going on?"

It made the couple break apart to look to the doorway to were the sound came from.

There standing in all his glory is none other then Mr. Father of The Year himself. Good Ol' Daddy Bennett

"Get off of my daughter"

Taking his hands off his favorite accessories, Damon put his hands up and tried to lighten the mood, he also tried to keep thing from blowing up out of proportion then what they already had.

"You see, she is the one on top of me." Damon said, earning himself a smack upside the head from Bonnie

"I'm going to kill you, you son-of-a-Bitch"

"Daddy NO" Bonnie said getting off of Damon and trying to defuse the situation before it got much worst.

Damon got up and tried to make himself look decent, but that was kind of hard to do with Papa D standing on his shirt

"Just who in the hell do you think you are? You're in my house doing god knows what with my baby girl, and you're joking about this...

"Bonnie isn't a little girl and hasn't been one since you decide to leave her alone by herself when your job calls you. I will never do that to her. She will never be alone again.

Then the most bizzar thing happen. Bonnie watched her dad pull out a gun on them, well more like Damon.

"Dad, what are you doing. Put that down before someone gets hurt" She knew a gun couldn't hurt Damon, but when Damon is provoked or hurt it isn't good.

"It's alright Bonnie. Look, I'm just going to get my things and go" Damon told Mr. Bennett as he bent down to collect his boots

Before anyone knew it, the gun clocked and went off.


Bonnie saw Damon fall to the floor and ran to him. By the time she got to him he had blood pouring out of him at a fast past.

"What did you do? Why did you do that?" Bonnie screamed up from her position on the floor.

Mr. Bennett pulled out his cell and opened it..."it's done"

Bonnie was so confused, that she lost her sense of focus and started to care for Damon. She realized that he wasn't healing and trying to give him some of her blood but it was no use. She felt like her bedroom walls where caving in on her and she just didn't know what to do anymore.

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