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The day was warm and far too sunny, especially for Nero. He squinted and shaded his eyes with his hand as he walked onto campus, scowling a bit. Although this was somewhat aggravating weather for him to start the semester with, he seemed to be set up for success. He had a full ride for hockey and decent enough grades going into college. Though when the word 'jock' came to mind he probably wouldn't be what you thought of. He was short, five feet exactly though he claimed to be 5'2" and 5'4" on a good day. He had dark skin and short densely packed curls, though they were lower than they could have been and if he didn't fix his hair they would frame his face almost in waves. He had his head shaved on both sides and the back, mostly to keep it out of the way. He had a very muscular build despite his size and sharp hazel eyes that shot down anyone that even thought about approaching him. If everything went his way, he would be left alone. He didn't need or want friends or partners and he thought it was all a waist of time. He just wanted to play hockey and he usually ended up beating up anyone who annoyed or pushed him enough. 
He got his wish for a few weeks. Being left alone by everyone except the one or two people he hung out with and whoever they dragged along with them.
His best friend, if he could even be called that, was a boy a year older than him, but in the same grade. He was pale with a bright green Mohawk and sharp blue eyes. He had a plethora of tattoos and generally wore leather jackets and steel toed boots. He was missing his right arm, but that didn't stop him from terrorizing anyone in his vicinity.
His name was Naid and he was the only person Nero ever really talked to. Though most of their conversations and interactions with others were sadistic in nature, they understood each other.
For a while, it seemed like everything was just going to stay like that, his own little version of perfect. That was until his world came crashing down, with a pair of big brown eyes holding the sledgehammer.

This is going to be basically the first draft of a romance book I'm trying to write.
I'll post the chapters as I write them but I might unpost or edit them often. If there are any issues, spelling errors, or things that are just a little weird pacing or wording wise, please let me know.
I will read all the comments and take all your suggestions into consideration.
Because this book is being posted as it is written essentially, I can't say everything that's going to be in it.
So here's your warning now
This book might include:
Smutt (Bdsm included)
Self harm
Etc etc

Here's what I do know 
This book will definitely contain:

Also probably a fair amount of lgbtq+ and lots of other things. If you don't like it, just don't read it. I only want constructive criticism, so please try to be nice. This is my first romance book that wasn't one-shots.

On another note
This is what this book will probably not contain:
Lack of consent
Animal abuse
Probably magic (even though I love fantasy)

Some tropes you can expect:
Nerd x Jock
Small and angry x tall and calm
Sunshine x dark clouds
Two idiots just laying in the grass

Suggestions and comments are appreciated 
I've held off on posting this for so long but I can hold it back no longer. 
So enjoy

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