Too Hot and Too Perfect

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Nero didn't like the heat, it was why he played hockey and not lacrosse. He liked being out on the ice, he liked the snow. He did not like the heat.
Though it was supposed to rain later. Nero would have been happier about it if he had bothered to bring an umbrella, and if his classes weren't the furthest they could be from his dorm. So he was a bit grimpier than usual, feeling hot and aggravated as he walked to his next class.

Some people never seemed to get the hint though. Expessially not Naid. Or maybe he just didn't care. Naid spotted Nero from across the way and turned to head after him. Nero didn't spot him and Naid had much longer legs so he caught up easily. "Well someone seems grumbled than ususal." Naid hummed, nudging Nero and raising an eyebrow at him, "What's got you sulking today? It's nice out."
Nero huffed and rolled his eyes, "It's not nice. It's sweltering. And it's humid. The clouds don't even cover the sun. Like they know they're bothering me."
Naid chuckled and rolled his eyes back, "Yeah, cause the sun and the clouds are working together to personally ruin your day."
"Mhm, same as yesterday." Nero couldn't help the small smile that tugged at the corner of his mouth. Sometimes he hated the way Naid could improve his mood, just by his presence. He was steady, unfaltering. No matter what Nero threw at him he was still always there.
"I'll make sure to give the clouds a peice of my mind on your behalf when I go visit." Naid hummed with another chuckle.
"Make sure you send my regards to the sun too. Bastard keeps shinning in my eyes."
"You know, you could just get some sunglasses."
"Not my fault the sun doesn't get the hint. Why should I be the one to cave?"
The conversation continued on like this for a while. Naid was more than happy to be late so he could talk it Nero, though Nero preferred to be on time to his classes.
They parted ways eventually and Nero went to his classes. This was the last class of the day aswell as the last class before the weekend and Nero was ready to be done with it. Naid would probably drag him to one part or another and most of his weekend would be taken up by practice, but he would have some time to himself, which he was looking forward to.

Unfortunately for him, the rain started to fall right before he got out of class. By the time Nero made it downstairs it was pouring. He paused, trying to reason with himself.
He wasn't a wimp so going back to his dorm in the rain wouldn't be an issue. But he really didn't want to. And he shouldn't have to do something he didn't want to, right?
He didn't want to do it, therefor he wouldn't. It was settled.
He leaned back against the wall, right outside the door to wait for the rain to let up. He watched as his classmates all left, sharing umbrellas and coats, most running though some walking leisurely. Some stood like him, all more impatient and running off into the rain at one point or another. Until finally, he was left alone.
Nero sighed and leaned back against the wall, leaning his head against the cool brick. If he messaged Naid he would come pick him up with an umbrella, but he didn't want Naid to tease him do he wouldn't. He would rather wait there all night than admit he wanted help.
He wouldn't have to wait that long though.

After about thirty minutes of waiting he heard someone walk up, shaking the rain from their umbrella. He didn't bother to open his eyes. By this point everyone knew it was better to just leave Nero alone so he didn't worry about being bothered. Maybe he should have worried a bit more.
He felt as that someone stepped closer and for a moment Nero tensed, maybe he was right to. When he opened his eyes to see what the fuss was about, he was met with the most beautiful brown eyes he had ever seen. It took his breath away for a moment before he composed himself. He was about to tell this guy to buzz off, these brown eyes that stared down at him that he couldn't tear his eyes away from for some reason, but as he opened his mouth to speak a hand was clamped over it. "Hello again." The voice was soft and smooth, warm. It reminded Nero of a librarian's, somehow seeming full of knowledge but willing to share it. Or maybe it was because the guy was dressed like a librarian, at least in Nero's opinion. A long brown cardigan with light tan pants, a green shirt with a black design of a frog, large round glasses that framed those gorgeous, caramel brown eyes with little flecks of green. Brown hair, damp from the rain but not quite soaked.
Though Nero's thoughts quickly went from his eyes to his audacity. Noone in their right mind would get this close to Nero. Let alone put their hands on him and seemingly claim to have met him before.
Nero went to shove him off with one hand but found it pinned by his head. This person was stronger than he thought. But he still had one free hand, though not for long as the taller man moved the hand that was over Nero's mouth to pin it aswell, "Feisty, are we?" He asked, his tone almost teasing. Nero was so caught pffguard that he stuttered, fumbling over his words, "H-how d- who- wh-"
The other chuckled and the sound was like music, a soft and almost bubbly sound, seemingly far too cheerful for the situation, "Cat got your tongue? Do you really not recognize me?"
Nero sputtered, struggling a bit though the other held him surprisingly easily, "How on earth would I know you? You- you-" Nero struggled to find an insult and the other laughed, a full laugh this time. "Awe, what a shame. I was hoping you would."
"Is that all you wanted?" Nero seemed confused. Why pin him to the wall if he just wanted to say hello.
He seemed to think for a moment, "Well, I wanted to see if you remembered my name. But I guess not. If you did I was going to ask you out on a date."
Nero paused and in the moment it took him to think the man had let him go, picking up his umbrella again, "What?"
"What do you mean 'What?'" He asked with another chuckle, "Close your mouth, you look like a fish."
Nero closed his mouth instinctively, and the other man paused again, "Well?" He asked, as if he had been waiting for an answer about something.
"Well what?"
"Well, yes or no? It's a simple response, can't you manage that much?"
Nero was about fed up, but he was curious. Oh so curious and intrigued. And something about being essentially trapped usually made him freak out, but he felt oddly calm when this random stranger had done it. Though he wouldn't let it happen again if he had any say about it. Nero took a short breath, steeling his nerves. "About what?"
"You really don't pay attention, do you? I'm not going to spell it out for you. Just answer. Yes or no. It's just one word."
Nero went to say something, not something starting with a 'y' or 'n' and looking very pissed off. But the other man opened his umbrella, about to step back into the rain, "Clock's ticking. No more questions princess. I have places to be."
Nero was still so caught of guard, just by all of this in general. But his curiosity got the better of him, "Yes."
The other smiled, a sort of sky but still genuine smile, "If you can find me and tell me my name by next Friday, I'll take you out on a date. Otherwise you'll have to wait until next month."
Nero frowned, "How am I supposed to know your name?"
"Not my problem. Though if you don't want the dates then don't worry about it. Don't come looking for me and I doubt you'll ever see me again. Though I'm sure you'll need my name to ask around regardless."
Something about him, maybe his tone or the way he bossed Nero around like Nero couldn't probably break every bone in his body if he really tried, made him not want to argue. So he just nodded, "See you by Friday then." At this point, it might aswell have been a challenge. And Nero wasn't one to back down from a challenge.

1480 words, wowza
I was aiming for 500 and here we are
Though I will probably end up making it longer later
Now it is time for me to sleep
And wait to stalk the comment section
But I couldn't wait to post this, I wrote it all in one sitting in about an hour or so, so yay me
Stay safe out there

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⏰ Son güncelleme: Aug 18, 2023 ⏰

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