To Namjoon

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Dear Namjoon,

When you said in your rookie episode- Let's not destroy objects anymore, Let's go destroy the music world. You were not kidding.

I don't even know who I am or what I want for myself. Is it okay to be confused when I am turning 26 this June? I don't know what my dream is. I don't know what I feel.

when the night falls over, I feel like curling up into the deepest slumber of my life in a coffin. Never wake up from my unfathomable dreams. Dungeons. That's where I am living right now. 

Is it too much for me to ask you to save me? 

Nevertheless, Let's be each other's breath. I don't want to feel trapped anymore. I feel volatile.



P.S. - Under this starry night, I promise to hold your hand forever, I promise to be here till the end.

I will wait under the blue skies for you to unfurl towards the sunlight and when you look back at me, you'll find me here,

I won't let go.

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