Girl's Night

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"C'mon, Bakubro! It'll be fun!" Kirishima whines, walking after Bakugo into the kitchen. "Shoto and I have gone there before, it's got a bunch of the new arcade games!"

"Absolutely the fuck not," Bakugo snaps, shooting a glare in Kirishima's direction. "I'd rather die than third wheel you two."

Kirishima makes a dismissive noise, waving his hand. "Awe, c'mon, Sho and I aren't that bad—"

"Oh em gee, Bakubabe!" a voice exclaims.

Kirishima and Bakugo both turn to find Camie, who rushes towards Bakugo and grabs his arm. "It's so totes amaze that you're here, Bakubabe! The vibes are so not fresh and the girlies are all going ca-razy!"

Kirishima stares in bewilderment, while Bakugo's brows crease in concern. "What the hell happened?"

"The one with the cutesy vibe is all breaking down over some dumb blond twink, you need to come right now, A-S-A-P!"

Bakugo's face morphs into confusion, then understanding before he gives Kirishima a hard, unreadable look. "I gotta go, Shitty Hair. Next time."

With that, Kirishima gives him a nod as Camie steers Bakugo away and out of the kitchen.

"See you later, Bakubro!" Kirishima calls out.

Once they get out of earshot, Camie lets out a loud sigh of relief. "Hey girlypop, bet you're glad I got ya outta that very not coolio arcade trip. They're both sweethearts, but they're so whipped when they're together, it's so cringe fail."

Bakugo lets out a sigh of relief. "I dunno what the hell you're doing here, but it's a good thing you came when you di—"

Suddenly, someone grabs Bakugo's other arm, pulling him in tandem with Camie towards the elevators.

"Blasty!" Mina exclaims. "Hey babe." She quickly leans in front of him to give Camie a quick peck on the lips. "The girls are all having a sleepover, and you're coming with!"

Bakugo blinks twice, scowling once Mina's words process. "Oh hell no, I'm not signing up for this shit—"

"Bakugo," Mina interrupts, a dark glint in her eyes, "I know how much you love to preserve your reputation, especially among your fans. Wouldn't it be a shame if certain photos of their beloved hero crush destroyed their impression of him?" She waves her phone nonchalantly, and Bakugo stiffens.

He knew he shouldn't have let her take those selfies during their self care sessions.

Taking Bakugo's silence as defeat, Mina's smile widens, the dark glint long gone from her eyes. "Wonderful! Let's go go go!"

— —

— — —

— —

Mina doesn't bother knocking on Momo's door before slamming it open, face triumphant as she pulls Bakugo into the room (along with Camie, who linked her arms on the other side of him). "We got Blasty everyone!" she shouts, and the room erupts into whoops, hollers, and cheers. Once Camie and Mina finally release Bakugo, he scans the room. All the girls were here—Uraraka, Jirou, Hagakure, Momo, Tsu—as well as Kendo.

"Damn," Bakugo whistles, "it's a full fucking house in here, huh?"

Uraraka laughs. "Yeah, and Hatsume is gonna come over in a bit. But it's okay! We got Aizawa's permission to stay here past curfew, so you don't gotta worry your pretty little head about that."

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