Requests? + A Lil Info

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Hellooooo! 🤗 Soooooo... I guess if you have any requests for me to do ask here. Give me The Outsiders character and then please tell me if you want the other person to have a specific name or if you just want me to put Y/n. Some of the one-shots (That I do that isn't a specific request) will have a name some will just be Y/n. Just depends on what I'm feeling that day.

I can't promise you I'll do it whether I don't have the motivation or whether I just don't wanna do it. And if I do your request I can't promise it'll come out quickly and that it'll actually be good. I see myself as a below-average writer which some people may disagree but y'know can't change how I view myself. 

Again with the, I can't promise I'll do your request is also because I'm a busy person. I'm starting school soon, I'm starting dance today which I will be in 7 dances so I'm gonna be at the dance studio for 4 days of the week for many hours. I have 4 pets to take care of (2 are my own pets the other 2 are family pets) I'm an editor (I make Outsiders edits and post them on Tiktok, Instagram, and YouTube btw they're not good 😙👍) I have chores around the house I have to do. And obviously, I want to do other things for fun and entertainment like watching YouTube, hanging out with my family, reading fanfiction, etc. (Actually the family one isn't fun but you get what I mean) 

Sorry, I went on and on about my "bUsY" life but I think you get that I may not do your request cuz I am a human bEiNg (Somehow 😵‍💫)

I hope my one-shots/imagines aren't too bad and you'll enjoy them but I can't promise you that.

Moral of the story I can't promise anything 👍

Outsiders One-Shots/ImaginesOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz