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TW: mentions of sh

Its saturday

Max Pov:

I look in the mirrors and smile I look good.*pull your shirt back so your body type is showing* I grabbed my shirt at the backed and pulled it *fuck no no no no no please no* it wasnt my skinny waist that bothered me. It was my chest. Even tho people Tell my I have small boobs (why am I laughing at the word boobs?!) It still makes me feel bad about myself. I wanna have a flat chest. But sometimes I don't wanna have a flat chest *why is knowing who im Soo fricking hard Man*

-Can I come in?-Yeahh come in-

Jake of course its him. My brother a masculine but still gay looking boy. *Well he technically is a Man I guess*

-What do you want Jake?- I said in a slightly annoyed tone

-Geez I just wanted to say that im going to the café down the Road if you wanna tag along you can.-

*Wait my brother is being nice? To me? What's up with him?*

-Are you sick? Do you feel dizzy?- I went and checked his tempature. He wasnt sick. Weird.

-I just wanna go to the café amd maybe it would be good for you if you stepped outside.-

-I do go out Many Times actually like when I go to sch-
-School doesnt matter neither does going to your besties house- *he got me there*

-Okay fine I come beacuse I want a chocholate chip cookie, but thats the only reason!!- Jake smiled, Weird.

✨💥Time skip💥✨
        At the café.       

Jake Pov:

*Ohh fuck oh shit*  There he was. The only one I hope wouldnt be there. ✨George✨ *the cute barrista guy... Wait no im not gay... Well I mean IM but not for him... Okay maybe IM* We talked before but only when I ordered. We even flirted but I never asked him his number. And no Way im doing it infront of Max, my little sister who doesnt know that im... Well... A fruit cake. *Okay stay calm just order your coffe Max orders herself a cookie and you can sit down Okay you can do this.*

-You alright? You kinda zoned out- Oh shit Max was there and noticed that I Froze. -Yeahh im good j-just uhh hot... Yeah its very hot!- * Smooth Jake very Smooth*

He face palmed himself in his thoughts about this slip up.

-Okay then big boy now,I want my cookie so letsgoo- She was an annoying sister. But did I love her nonetheless Yeah... Kind of... Yeah no She is plain annoying.

-okay Okay im coming- there he was behind the counter ohh god he was cute

-ohh hi Jake, the usual?- -Yeah thanks and also a chocholate chip cookie for this gremlin here- I said pointing at Max.
George giggles and Max was looking at me angry but then She...She Smirked at me and looked at George and winked. Wait did She find out I liked him? Probably not.

-You like him dont youuu-  Okayyy I was wrong, She knew. -Maybeee... Yeah Okay I do. And so what?-

- First of all YOU ARE GAY?! I knew it.
Second, ask his number you idiot he definetly likes you too.- *pftt Yeah sure he is Way too pretty*

-Yeahh like I believe that, he probably is straight and likes girls so no chance-

-Ohhh come onnnn. He is gayer than DreamWasTaken.-

-He isnt im pretty sure I saw him flirting with a girl and- -Oh Okay then what if I just ask him?- Ohh no She wouldn't but I was wrong She would!.

-Heyyy George are gay?- *well that was gay forward*

-Uhhhh yeaah im in fact gay, why you asking?- Oh my brothe- I put my hand over here mouth so She couldnt say anything else.

-Dont worry about her George, She just likes knowing the local gays.- that wasnt a complete lie. Max did infact know almost all the gays in our area, which is kindaa weird beacuse why does She care? She is straight. *Ohh my godd how didn't I notice, She is gay As Hell.*

-Here is your coffe Jake, aaand your cookie gremlin- George said and immediatly started giggiling.

*OMG he is so cute when he giggles, and kinda hot too*

We went to sit down with Max. She was smirking, almost if She was reading my mind.

-Ohh so now you think George is cute and hot?!- -Wait ho... how did you know?-

-Its kinda obvious Jake, alteast for me. Im your sister I know what your little stares mean. Right now you are annoyed at me-
*Wait how the fuck did She do that? I was infact a little annoyed at her.*

-Okay Max, if thats how you wanna play. What were you doing before I walked into your room hmm?-

I knew the answer but I wanted her to say it. I knew She had struggles with herself. Last year when her selfharm got bad She told me. I took her to therapy beacuse She was afraid to Tell our parents. They still dont know. I just hope She didn't relapse again.

Max Pov:

*Ohh no he saw you looking In the mirror*

-nothing, w-why?- of course I stuttered stupid bitch. Useless whore. Now you made him worry.

-Max, you can Tell me. Did you relapse?-
I did infact relapse 3 days ago I was guilty but the urge was just too Strong. But could I really Tell him, I don't want him to worry.

-You know what show me your arm when we get home. I know you would Tell me you didn't relapse even If you did, get in the car.

*Fuck fuck fuck fuck, stupid stupid you are stupid* He Will see the scars, thats for sure.

We get in the car. The ride home is silent. Which I apricciate, he didn't push me to talk if I didn't want to. He really is a good brother.

The closer we got to our house the more anxious I was. He is gonna see them, he is gonna worry... I don't want him to worry.

Sorry cliffhanger, anyways reach out for help if you are struggling with mental health. Make sure to eat and drink.

Love from: Alex the gay bitch (aka the writer)

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