Letter 23

18 3 14


Letter 23
From: Z


Thank you for the sweets, despite the fact that I can't eat them because of the meds. They made me happy.

Thea visited, as promised. She was dressed as a witch with a spell book and everything. It wasn't actually a spell book, but we did learn a lot about floriography which is the language of flowers. Apparently Buttercups mean childishness and ingratitude. She also read me something about the meaning behind camellia bushes in a book called To Kill a Mockingbird. Something about racism, I can't remember.

T has always loved plants, I don't know why. Our parents hated when we came home covered in dirt after a day in the greenhouse down the street, but she was happy and that's what mattered.

The quote "don't wait for someone to bring you flowers. Plant your own garden and decorate your own soul" reminds me of her.

It is decided now, December 23rd I do the surgery. The doctor said he has a good feeling but I know he's saying that to make me feel better.

I'm demanding a family movie night before then. You, Tommy, Thea, and me watching Into The Spider-verse because yes. If you can't convince Tom's parents, just say I asked. I've talked to Mrs. Simons a lot, mostly about my family situation. She'll understand.

December 18th, okay? Plan it for then.

They want to do an MRI so I have to finish up. Have a good day!

Love, Z

Requested mailing: November 2nd, 2019
Accepted mailing: November 18th, 2019


Quote: Luther Burbank

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