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(Just something short to get back into the swing of things)

Ivy was having an average day, pruning her garden and taking care of her particularly favorite plant when a loud crash comes from the other room.

"Aw SHIT!" Harley groans loudly, having dropped a handful of dishes after washing them.

"Watch you're fucking language!" Ivy retorts with slight chuckle on her breath.

"Sorry Pammy." She says grabbing the broom to sweep us the shards of porcelain from the tile floor. "I know you don't like to be bothered when you're in your garden."

Ivy opens the trash can for Harley as she dumps the dustpan. "You do know that if you dry the dishes before you try and move them, you're a lot less likely to drop them?" She chuckles out loud this time.

Harley frowns slightly and finishes cleaning up the mess. "Very funny, at least I did the dishes!" She says in a jokingly angry tone.

"Touché" Ivy holds up her hands in surrender.

"I love ya Red!" Harley kisses her with a smile forming on her lips between kisses.

"I love you too you klutz."

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 19, 2023 ⏰

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