Issue Zero

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Issue Zero November 2023

"Out of the mouths of babes" as the saying goes, come many a truth.

I have always tried to maintain a childlike sense of wonder and fascination with the world around me and life in general.  I think this is integral to staying engaged and curious.  It helps cultivate creativity and drives opportunities for insight others may miss.

Children have no filters and are endlessly fascinated by the world around them.  From that state of being comes pure, unfiltered perception and intuition.  This is incredibly valuable and takes effort to cultivate and maintain this mindset into adulthood.

But it's worth it.  The more you do it the more it becomes second nature.  Much has been written about how play is just as important for adults as it is for children.  I believe this to be true.  Having open-ended creative space to let your mind run free is incredibly refreshing.  At the other end of the spectrum, having thoughtfully constructed guidelines can also be great for play and creativity.  Working within a box can spur its own type of creativity.

That's where "The Eclectic Electric Library" was born!  This will be a place to discuss whatever is of interest, and share anything related. In so doing, it will become a repository, or library, of the interesting and eclectic.

Welcome! Thank you for checking this out!

This is a place where no topic will be off limits for commentary, critique, and conversation.  Wattpad invites direct connection between author and reader.  I want to take full advantage of that.

Although no topic is off limits, I will start by writing commentary on things I'm currently interested in and stuff going on around me.  These topics will serve as a jumping off point.  These interests form a through-line in my life.  Topics may include:

Music (Bands, albums, concerts, etc.)


Video Games (modern and retro)


TV Series


Theology (Primarily Christian spirituality/mysticism, but truths are found in many places)


Breakfast cereals (only the finest culinary reviews here)

Possibly pro wrestling and baseball

Sexuality and gender (Sexual ethics, gender norms, and more)

Appreciation of the human person in a healthy, non-objective way that promotes wellness and wholeness in mind, body, and soul.  Sex is sacred, the erotic is healthy, and bodies are beautiful.  Let's celebrate these without shame, judgment, exploitation, objectification, or fear. 

I'm confident that a large number of people can relate to at least 3 or 4 of those. Maybe more!  If this sounds like you, rest assured there will be content of interest to you in the newsletter issues to come.

This is a space where I'll be taking off my big boy pants and shoes and putting on my best Nintendo t-shirt and footie pajamas.  From that stance I will embrace my inner child and engage the world with the wisdom of childlike curiosity and wonder.  I might even leave the pants off sometimes. Children have no shame and neither do I.

There will be little to no filter here.  I am a firm advocate of wielding the two-edged sword of truth, with which I can cut through the BS right down to the marrow and the division of the B from the S.

But I believe the truth must always be spoken in love.  I will not be attacking or denigrating anyone.  This is to be a place of positivity, optimism, curiosity, open-mindedness, and fun.

Welcome! I look forward to meeting new people, making new friends, and having conversations.  Don't hesitate to drop me a note with any questions, comments, concerns, or suggestions you may have. 

Thanks for reading!

~The Electric Librarian

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 25, 2023 ⏰

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