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Mirror, Mirror,

What do you see?

Between the cracks

That obscure me.

My reflection,

It's so deformed,

Rusted by tears

And anger worn

Across my skin,

A fragrance light

That smells like lies;

It smells like spite,

Like jealousy

I mask beneath

A laugh, a smile

Of bright, white teeth

I wish I had

But only see

Within the mind

That grips its dreams

Like death will come,

Rip them away;

I can't let go;

I'm so afraid

Of how I'll fall

And how I'll break;

I know the game,

Know what's at stake

And what it takes

To win the prize:

An endless race

Of sacrifice

And no return

For what you lose,

A risk you hold,

A risk you choose,

Although you're not

Prepared to make

That choice that will

Be the mistake

To ruin you,

Now that it's done.

So this is it,

The race you'll run

And try to win

Through every loss;

I know the game;

I know the cost;

I know it's high;

I know it's deep;

I know the vict-

Ory is sweet

If you can find

It in the dark,

But it's a tar-

Get hard to mark

And hard to hit

Amidst the storm,

The weight of the

Secrets you've borne

For far too long

In too much strife

To ever face

While gripping life

Between your hands

That shake and slide;

They scream in pain;

Ambition: A Poetry AnthologyWhere stories live. Discover now