2.Finally home

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Disclaimer: the summer i turned pretty is not my creation, neither are all the characters in this story except for alessia, Elliot and Madison, this book also contains cuss words, use of alcohol and smut.

Here i was in the car with my mom, belly and Steven driving to cousins like every summer but weirdly i didn't find that annoying, wich i usually do with other places after going there too often, cousins isn't like that though it's different there its like finally coming home after a long day and throwing yourself on your bed, it was home.

As always belly and i we're singing taylor swift at the top of our lungs the whole ride there, its like our little tradition that we do every summer ride over to Cousins and lets just say Steven is not exactly very fond of it
„ ughhh can't you two just shut up already I'm trying to drive here" belly and i gave each other a quick look and decided to ignore him and keep singing even louder.

Eventually mom asked us to turn the music down to talk about some rules
„ i want you to be better about helping out this summer like, don't just leave your dishes in the sink. Load them into the dishwasher and not just your own dish, either, Steven.  I want you to be good houseguest. "
„ what ? But Mom, susannah has people who clean, doesn't she?"  mom hit the top of his head making me laugh a bit wich made Steven glare at me.

„ just be considerate and act like i raised you right. Steven, alessia that means don't stay out too late"
„ Mom, I'm too old for a curfew" steven protested „ yeah me too and that is so unfair you know i love going out on night walks " night walks we're my way of disconnecting form the whole world and my problems, i would just be alone outside with nothing but the sound of the summer breeze and the Stars.

„ Wait, what about me? I don't have a curfew either, right ? " belly questioned making me smile a little because she isn't really that social.
„ what do you need a curfew for ? You don't go anywhere " Steven said while laughing
„ don't be a jackass, Steven. Belly we'll talk about it when something comes up. " for the rest of the car ride i just zoned out until i eventually just fell asleep.

I woke up to belly shaking me to wake up „ sia wake upppp, we're here " sia is a nickname that only belly uses, she used to do it since we were kids and it kind of just stuck. I stayed there half asleep for a second until i realised where we were and immediately woke up, usually i would be really mad if someone woke me up but right now all i could think about is seeing Jeremiah again, my bestfriend since we we're like 12 he was the only boy i felt perfectly comfortable with and the only boy who has never hurt me, he was home to me.

I quickly put on my shoes, fixed my hair a little and jumped out of the car and there he was and for some reason it felt different this time than the other Sommers but i couldn't tell why.
Once he saw me he got the brightest smile that was brighter than any star I've ever seen. I ran towards him and he instantly wrapped his arms around my waist to pull me into a hug, he lifted me up so i put my legs around his waist and he spun me around making us break out into laughs

Once he puts me down i can take a better look at him, he had grown a bit more now he was almost two heads taller than me even though he's only 6 months older than me. he had put his hair more to the middle of his face instead of having it parted on two sides and i could tell he got more muscles „ god i missed you " he said while tapping my nose with his finger, a thing he's been doing since forever basically
„ and i missed you even more " i said „ no i don't that's possible " he said while giving me one of those classic Jeremiah smiles.

After we talked a little i went over to Conrad and we gave each other a warm hug and i ruffled my hair up a bit so i gave him a light shove and smiled up at him and he returned that same smile „ alessia honey you look gorgeous " susannah said as i walked over to her, she gave me the warmest hug that I've had in a long time, her hugs are just like that they can instantly lighten up your whole mood.

Then some shouting got my attention so i turned my head towards it and it was jeremiah and steven „ I THINK ITS TIME FOR A BELLY FLOP " they said in unison, i looked back to susannah and she nodded letting me know i could go back to them i ran over giggling with them and followed them to the pool
„ 1, 2 , 3 " we all yelled before they let belly fall down, i looked around for a second taking in this moment being here with the people that i love in the place that love is just so magical i closed my eyes and felt at peace in that moment

Until i felt someone take my phone out of the back pocket of my shorts i opened my eyes to see who it was but before i knew it was getting thrown in the pool but i pulled the person with me before i fell in. Once i came back up i noticed it was Jeremiah and for a second i got lost in his eyes, those beautiful ocean eyes that i could just stare at all day long and then i noticed we we're still holding hands from when i pulled him in with me so i quickly let go and dunked him underwater again while laughing.

A/ N
I hope you enjoyed it, I'm sorry if it was not good, this is my second ever fanfiction so please don't be rude and stay safe out there <3

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