Chapter 1

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Trigger Warnings: Mentions of fighting/needles


Casey Jones ran into an alleyway, breathing heavily, as he looked over at a certain, purple branded turtle, his hands on his knees. "Dude- Since when did the Kraang get this good at fighting?" He questioned, despite not expecting a definite answer.

"I- Don't know." Donatello admitted, as he frowned and looked down in thought. "It seems they have new, stronger weapons-" He offered, deep in thought.

Abruptly, a shorter turtle ran by, glaring at the two as he struggled to dodge numerous lasers being shot at him. "Aye! Quit makin' out, and get yer asses out here! We're getting our shells handed to us!" Raph barked out as he ran off, attacking a bot angrily.

"Raph-!" Donnie blushed heavily at his brother's accusation, utterly embarrassed, before huffing and running back out, to rejoin the fight.

Casey simply chuckled and shook his head, gripping his hockey stick, as he ran into the middle of the fight. After a few moments, however, Michelangelo looked over, eyes widening. "Casey! Look out!" He called out to the human, though it was pointless. Casey simply looked at the turtle, confused, as he raised an eyebrow, completely oblivious to the danger he was in, as he knocked the head off of a Kraang-bot.

"Dude, what are you talking about?" He questioned.

Despite his warning, Casey didn't move. And he regretted this decision, when he felt a sharp pain in his side. He looked down, tensing up as he saw an odd looking dart, with glowing liquid, stuck in his skin. "Shit..."

Donnie quickly looked over, as he used his bo to block an attack. "Casey-?!"

Michelangelo frowned at his friend, as he attacked a bot. "Dude- You good...?" He questioned.

Casey simply huffed. "Yeah, I think so-"

The teen's eyes widened and he gasped out, as a horrid pain surged through his body"


He reached up and clutched his shirt, over his heart, before dropping to his knees, screaming out in agony, as his body began to contort in horrid ways.

Don and Mikey watched in horror as the mutation took place.

"CASEY" Donnie cried out and ran over. But it was too late, as by the time he got over to said teen, he had already blacked out from the immense pain, his body falling limp against the ground, with a harsh 'thump'.

Tears filled the turtle's eyes, kneeling down in front of his boyfriend, hesitant to touch him while he was in such a painful and vulnerable state.

"Get the shell-raiser!" He ordered, hesitantly picking Casey up, holding him close to his plastron. "I need to get him to the lab!"


Casey groaned quietly, slowly opening his eyes, flinching slightly at the bright lights of the familiar lab. He grumbled, sitting up and rubbing his head, as if trying to ease his headache.


The newest mutant's ears perked up, and he looked over, towards the source of the voice.

Donnie stood at the bottom end of the medical gurney, a clipboard in hand. "How are you feeling?" He questioned, concern lacing his voice.

"Uh... Sore?" Casey responded. "What happe-" He stopped his train of thought, when he saw his hand. Or, what used to be his hand. In its place, was what resembled more of a paw than anything. "-ned?"

Donatello sighed and walked over, looking at the ground, as he placed the clipboard down on a table. "You... Got mutated." He admitted.

Jones' eyes widened, and his ears dropped down, his body tensing at the news.

He looked down for a moment, thinking. "...Into what?" He questioned, looking back up at Don.

"An opossum."

"..." Casey pursed his lips and looked down, tilting his head as he saw his rather lanky tail. His eyes widened, as he picked up part of the new appendage. "Is that a fancy name for a rat?" He asked worriedly.

Donnie had to take a second, questioning if he had heard Casey right. He just looked at his boyfriend, dumbfounded, and slightly disappointed. "A... Possum?"

"Oh!" Casey chuckled. "But you can fix it!"

Mutant?!Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz