Study Sesh with the Pomeranian (4)

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Chapter 4 (I am sorry in advance for the Iida lovers here, i needed to do this in order for the plot to work later on)

"Finals will be taken tomorrow, make sure to get a good nights rest. That is all for today, I suggest you study if you haven't already." Mr. Aizawa informs the class, a couple people nod in confirmation.

    OnceAizawa was done talking, Momo had offered to help tutor people at her house. I declined, for I as going to study with Katsuki at his house and stay the night to ensure that get a goods nights sleep for tomorrow's exam. Katsuki walks over to my desk with his arms crossed and blocking Shoto's view to me.

    After I roll my eyes, I copy his body language by crossing my arms and glaring back. "yes Katsuki?" I ask expectingly, annoyed that he thinks that Shoto is trying to hit on me. "Are you ready to go? We can leave early and pick up some food for later." Katsuki replies with his signature 'I'm pissed off at everything but I have to use my big boy words' tone of voice.

    "Sure, but you need to stop being a jerk to everyone." I tell him as I gather my stuff and stand up. Just as me and Katsuki were about to walk out we were stopped By Iida. The bionic man marched over to us form his desk and gave us a serious and stern look.

    "Terrafor and Bakugo, it's not okay to leave the class before the bell rings, it is considered you skipping class. I suggest you sit down before Aizawa Sensei yells at you." Iida's lecture did not just anger Bakugo but me too. Before I could say anything back, the bell rang.

    "Oh look at that, the bell." I say with an unnervingly calm tone, targeted towards Iida. I turn my back to the strict rule follower and pull Bakugo along with me out of the room, before Bakugo could shout or yell useless insults at him.

    Bakugo and I walked in tense silence, I was in a very fragile mindset that he knew well not to break or else's blood will be spilt. Katsuki remembered the first time he encountered me in this state, it was after I was ordered by my "parents" to buy more food after they had trashed the house that I'd just cleaned, due to it "not being clean enough."

    That night I stormed out of the house and took a detour to the park to let off steam. As I stomped my feet, bursts of air blew out from underneath me, blowing any dead leafs or stray trash aside. I was only using my air quirk to release my anger because I knew it wouldn't cause too much damage to the environment.

    That night, Bakugo had just to happened to be training nearby when he heard the commotion and curiously walked over. Since we weren't that close at the time, he yelled at me for making so much noise. In return, I took out my anger on him, causing me to break a couple ribs and fracture a bone in his arm.

    Since then, Katsuki has leaned not to bother me and just to leave me be. As I storm out of the school with him following in suit, I once again head to the park to let off some steam, quite literally. My emotions tent to affect my quirk by changing the temperature of the air I push out or the control I have on the quirk is lose causing chaos to ensue.

    Thirty minutes into my pissy fit, Bakugo remains unharmed by a tree as he watches my attacks slow and my movements turn sloppy. Katsuki takes the opportunity to lead me to a fast food place since I have finally calmed down. The spiked blonde makes me sit in one of the booth inside the McDonald's as he orders the food for our study night.

    As I sat there with my arms crossed and pouting, I cant help but chuckle to myself at the realization that Katsuki dragged me in here like a child. When finished ordering, Katsuki ends up walking back to sit next to me.

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