Exam Day (5)

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Chapter 5

Nope, still alive.

Katsuki wakes me up the next morning by repeatedly hitting me in the head with a pillow."Kat-suki! Stop-it. You. Punk!" Each time I spoke, I was cut off by a pillow to the face. Eventually, I grew tired of this and flung him away from me by using my quirk. I sit up from bed and stretch, watching as Katsuki gets up off the floor.

"You still have my spare uniform I left here last time, don't you?" I ask, making my way over to his closet to check. As I open up the closet door I'm met with Katsuki's dark clothing, If I didn't already know him, I would've thought he was a kid going through an emo phase.

    "Why ask me if you were going to look anyways?" Katsuki grunts from behind me. I ignore him and continue my searching, I ended up finding my uniform hung up in the back.

    I walked out of Katsuki's bedroom and changed in the bathroom, I borrowed Katsuki's comb to brush though my soft brown hair, my green highlights peeking through. Once I finished up in the bathroom, I walked back into Katsuki's room to grab my stuff.

    "The hag made breakfast. We can eat here, then leave." Katsuki explains as he finished up packing his school bag.

    "You shouldn't call your mother that jerk. Heck, you should be grateful she hasn't murdered you yet, if you were my kid, you'd be six feet under the moment you talked back to me." I shove his shoulder away in a playful manner, "Come on, let's eat before our food gets cold."

     I walk out of the room before Katsuki has the chance to yell at me. When I entered the kitchen, I was greeted by Mitsuki. "Good morning dear! Serve up, you'll need the energy for your exams!"

    "Thank you Mitsuki, I appreciate." I take a bite out of the freshly made pancakes before being blown away by the amazing meal. "This meal is amazing Mitsuki! Thank you!"

    Bakugo's mom looks at me a title confused before speaking, "You're welcome, but they are just normal Bisquick pancakes. Nothing too special." She says. I notice Katsuki enter the room but nonetheless continue the conversation.

    "Oh, well I don't usually have home cooked meals too often. It's a good change for once." I stopped talking afterwards; not wanting to worry her with my problems. Katsuki sits down next to me at the table and starts to eat.

    "Hey, Katsuki. What do you think our physical exam will be?" I ask before taking another mouthful of the fluffy breakfast.

    Katsuki grunts before replying, "I don't know, but I'm going to do better than everyone." Rolling my eyes at his comment, I finish up my meal. Once Katsuki finished, we cleaned our dished before leaving his house; saying bye to Mitsuki in the process.


    "You've got to be kidding me." Aizawa and Principal Nezu had just finished up explaining the physical portion of our exam and I couldn't have been more shocked. I was with Shoto and Momo against everyone's favorite caterpillar; Aizawa.

    I feel a hand on my shoulder, I look over to see that the hand belongs to Shoto. "It's okay Tessa, we've got this." He assures, but that wasn't my main concern. I looked over to Katsuki and Midoria, I'm concerned for them; specifically Midoria. I know how much Katsuki dislikes him, but there's still a chance they could get along, right? That chance just won't happen today.

    I sigh before marching over to Bakugo and dragging him away from the others by the ear. "OW DAMMIT TESS! WHAT WAS THAT FOR?"

    "You will get along with Izuku. Got it? If you want any chance of passing, you will get along." Bakugo was about to argue back, luckily for me, we were outside in a field. I use my earth quirk to pull up a thick root and wrap it around his mouth, preventing him from talking back to me.

    "Do not make me repeat myself, or go against my words because I will beat you up like the first time you had made me mad." With that, I let him go.

Bakugo doesn't say anything as he stomps away from me. I nod to myself, mentally checking off "Threaten Bakugo" from my To-Do list. I look around to try to find Shoto or Momo so we could get together and form a plan.


    How could our plan go so wrong, so quickly. I was currently running away from Aizawa with Momo at my side. I was just about to turn a corner when Aizawa's scarf wraps itself around my ankle and hoists me into the air.

    "Oh Shi-." I start to say before the scarf covers my mouth. At this point, I am hung upside down like Shoto was moments ago.

    "Language Terrafor." Aizawa says before perching on top of the wall next to me, "Now, are you going to keep cussing or can I move my scarf so I don't have your spit stains on my capture weapon?"

    I subtly roll my eyes before nodding, "Good." Aizawa uncover my mouth, I huff, bummed that I didn't get far in the exam. It's not like I can break through the scarf or rip it with a thorny vine, the material is too fricking strong. I'm pretty much done for.

    Out of the corner of my eye, I see Momo and Shoto creeping around the corner. I took the opportunity to distract Aizawa by using my air quirk to blow his hair in his face. Even though I was acting like an annoyance, it gave my friends time to set up their plan.

    "Man Sensei, I'd give you a hair tie if I had one. Speaking of which, why do you keep your hair so long? Doesn't it interfere with your quirk?" I felt a small throb in my head, I couldn't tell if it was him canceling my quirk or the blood finally rushing to my head from being hung upside down for so long. I'm just going to assume it's both.

    Since Aizawa was distracted with me, Momo and Shoto decided to execute their plan. I saw the scarf look-a-like shoot towards Aizawa. Unfortunately for him, he was too slow to unwrap the scarf from me to protect himself, leading to him getting caught up in the trap.

    I land next to Momo and Shoto, using my air quirk to gently set myself down on the ground. "Nice job guys! We did it!" I celebrated for a moment then heard the exam horn go off. "Alright, let's head back. I want to see how the others are doing."

I hate being sick. Literally the worst feeling. That's all I have to say. Goodbye. ~C0ffee_Stain

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